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铁杆木虫 (知名作家)

[资源] CPDB公布的1547种致癌物质,编号、名称、CAS号【PDF】

  The Carcinogenic Potency Database (CPDB) is a unique and widely used international resource of the results of 6540 chronic, long-term animal cancer tests on 1547 chemicals. The CPDB provides easy access to the bioassay literature, with qualitative and quantitative analyses of both positive and negative experiments that have been published over the past 50 years in the general literature through 2001 and by the National Cancer Institute/National Toxicology Program through 2004. The CPDB standardizes the diverse literature of cancer bioassays that vary widely in protocol, histopathological examination and nomenclature, and in the published author’s choices of what information to provide in their papers. Results are reported in the CPDB for tests in rats, mice, hamsters, dogs, and nonhuman primates.
  For each experiment, information is included that is important in the interpretation of bioassays: species, strain, and sex of test animal; features of experimental protocol such as route of administration, duration of dosing, average daily dose-rate in mg/kg body weight/day, and duration of experiment; target organ, tumor type, and tumor incidence; carcinogenic potency (TD50) and its statistical significance; shape of the dose-response, author’s opinion as to carcinogenicity, and literature citation. The TD50, our numerical description of carcinogenic potency, is the daily dose-rate in mg/kg/body weight/day for life to induce tumors in half of test animals that would have remained tumor-free at zero dose. TD50 provides a standardized quantitative measure that can be used for comparisons and analyses of many issues in carcinogenesis. The range of TD50 values across chemicals that are rodent carcinogens is more than 100 million-fold.


» 本帖附件资源列表

  • 欢迎监督和反馈:小木虫仅提供交流平台,不对该内容负责。
  • 附件 1 : 1547种基因毒性杂质.pdf
  • 2014-10-31 10:52:29, 3.46 M
  • 附件 2 : Aug_2007新增66个新化合物.pdf
  • 2014-10-31 11:35:33, 238.81 K

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