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新虫 (著名写手)

[资源] The Civil Engineering Handbook, 2ed_edited by W.f. CHEN_2003.pdf

The Handbook stresses professional applications, placing great emphasis on ready-to-use materials. It contains many formulas and tables that give immediate solutions to common questions and problems arising from practical work. It also contains a brief description of the essential elements of each subject,
thus enabling the reader to understand the fundamental background of these results and to think beyond
them. Traditional as well as new and innovative practices are covered.
As a result of rapid advances in computer technology and information technology, a revolution has
occurred in civil engineering research and practice. A new aspect, information technology and computing,
has been added to the theoretical and experimental aspects of the field to form the basis of civil engi-
neering. Thorough coverage of computational and design methods is essential in a knowledge-based
economy. Thus, computational aspects of civil engineering form the main focus of several chapters. The
Civil Engineering Handbook  is a comprehensive handbook, featuring a modern CAD/CAE approach in
advancing civil engineers in the 21st
century. The Handbook is organized into eight sections, covering the
traditional areas of civil engineering: construction engineering, materials engineering, environmental
engineering, structural engineering, geotechnical engineering, surveying engineering, hydraulic engineer-
ing, and transportation engineering.

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  • 欢迎监督和反馈:小木虫仅提供交流平台,不对该内容负责。
  • 附件 1 : The_Civil_Engineering_Handbook,_2ed_edited_by_W.f._CHEN_2003.pdf
  • 2014-09-21 15:48:27, 4.57 M

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