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金虫 (初入文坛)

[求助] 收到编辑的来信,该如何处理!已有1人参与

生成了文章号,状态时with editor,收到一封这样的信,如下。该如何处理?网上也没有找到更多的资料了。急求啊

Dear Dr. ****,

I'm writing to you today about a new possibility that Physics Letters A is offering to you as an author to enrich your article: Interactive Plots.

Many times researchers find themselves printing articles and using a ruler to reconstruct the data buried in plots. Probably, you have been in this situation as well. With Interactive Plots, that is no longer necessary - and you can make sure that your readers won't have to do the same!

Interactive Plots will be shown with your published online article on ScienceDirect. They allow readers to inspect the data in your plots and interact with the material to build new insights - ultimately making your article more valuable and giving it greater impact.

All that you need to do is to submit the data behind these figures in CSV format as supplementary material with a revision of your paper (see http://www.elsevier.com/interactiveplots for further instructions including formatting guidelines).
While I was reviewing your article in my capacity as Managing Editor, I have noticed that your figures 2, 3 and 4 could benefit from this feature, and I would like to encourage you to make use of this opportunity.

I hope you find interesting this new tool, and that you will submit CSV files for relevant plots.

Thanks and kind regards,

Dr Carina Arasa Cid
Managing editor
Physics Letters A

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木虫 (著名写手)


感谢参与,应助指数 +1
把你作图的数据以CSV format 格式通过supplementary material形式参照:http://www.elsevier.com/interactiveplots for further instructions including formatting guidelines,进行提交. 列出了你文章中的图片2,3,4,希望你把基本数据提交上去.
2楼2014-07-01 11:00:42
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金虫 (初入文坛)

2楼: Originally posted by beautybanana at 2014-07-01 11:00:42
把你作图的数据以CSV format 格式通过supplementary material形式参照:http://www.elsevier.com/interactiveplots for further instructions including formatting guidelines,进行提交. 列出了你文章中的图片2,3,4 ...

3楼2014-07-01 11:11:58
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木虫 (著名写手)

http://www.elsevier.com/interactiveplots for further instructions including formatting guidelines这里没有吗, 你自己看啊
4楼2014-07-01 13:38:38
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