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金虫 (知名作家)

[交流] How to Land Your Dream Job

With a self-starting, entrepreneurial attitude, new college grads can put themselves on the road to career success.

In the coming weeks, many of the nation's college seniors will receive their degrees. For members of the class of 2014 who aren't going on to graduate school, the next step is finding full-time employment.
In a rapidly changing job market that features post-graduation internships and freelance work more and more frequently, some new grads may feel overwhelmed thinking about their career prospects.

many people work in jobs that aren't what they want or are less than they deserve.
It's partly the pull of inertia (better the devil you know...)and partly lack of confidence, but mostly the fear their dream job doesn't exist -- or they couldn't land it if it does.
Most settle for second or third (or fourth, or fifth) best and try to get on with their lives, secretly cherishing the dream of something better.
It doesn't have to be like that. You can take practical steps to turn that dream into reality. Here are some practical steps that to send you on your way.

1.Know where you want to go.
Start working on your personal road map right now. Ask yourself where you want to be in one year, five years and 10 years from today. Define what's important to you. Pitch your plan to anyone who will listen, and before you know it, you'll acquire the interviewing skills you need to put your plan into action.
Sit down and make a list of what you really want in a job. Not just the kind of work and the atmosphere around you, but also all the benefits and whatever else would make that job wonderful. Put them in order of priority, from those you really couldn't do without to those you'd love, but could manage to let go.

2.Learn the art of the pivot.
Change can be scary, but it's during transformations that some of the best opportunities present themselves. Don't be afraid of a curveball: Be ready and open to new opportunities that are exciting, fun and potentially difficult.
There are hidden opportunities in every situation. If the fast track looks inviting, remember obvious opportunities attract the most competition. See if you can find a less obvious path where there are fewer people competing with you.
3.Read, read and read.
The end of college should mark the beginning of a lifetime of learning. Be interesting, be informed, be current, and have a point of view that is modern and educated. Reading can help you make that happen.
You're looking for your dream job, not whatever the media have decided to push this week. And what's a dream for you may not even be noticed by the high-profile "whiz- kids" who often go up like a rocket and come down like the stick. Focus on what's best for you whether that's fashionable or not.
4.Network with everyone.
Make contacts among your parents' friends, your neighbors, your community organizations — wherever you can find working adults, network. Go out there and make the connections at any free forum you can find.
5.Tell a great story.
Storytellers make it in this world. Learn to tell a great story of how you grew up, an event that shaped your life, or even a vacation that took you to a new place. People want to hear new perspectives. They want to get a sense of your ability to articulate, and they want to know that you are interesting.
6.Keep up Your Enthusiasm
If the right opportunity comes up, you need to be ready. That means building your resume and polishing your track record to make you the obvious choice It also means being on top form, whene chance hands you the golden ticket.
You can't fake enthusiasm. If your motivation sags, you won't have the "get up and go" needed to get that dream job. Focus on the positives. No one hires depressives.
7. Find a Mentor
This is probably the single most effective action you can take to land that dream job. If you can find someone who knows the ropes (and the people involved) to take you under his or her wing, you've dramatically improved your prospects.
A mentor can smooth the way for you, help you avoid the pitfalls and show you how to show yourself to the best advantage.

You'll never find your dream job without taking risks. The trick is to avoid risking everything. Fear of failure and its imagined consequences is probably the strongest force that holds people in jobs they don't really enjoy and that use only a little of their abilities. Be bold!

If you do nothing else today to start your progress towards that dream job, get started on finding yourself a mentor. You'll never regret it
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木虫 (职业作家)


Lopemann: 金币+1, Get stuck then... 2014-05-09 19:01:33
How about someone like me, an old man?
7楼2014-05-06 08:25:38
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