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木虫 (正式写手)

[求助] 大家帮我看看,还有没有希望被accept已有11人参与

虫友们帮忙看看:这还有希望么。为什么只有一个审稿人意见啊,view review attachments里边的意见又是怎么回事啊
Your manuscript has been reviewed by individuals knowledgeable in this field and is being rejected in its current form. Although the reviewers were interested in the paper, questions were raised that indicate substantial revision is needed. These comments are summarized in the reviewers' comments below.

Please resubmit your paper only after you have revised along the lines recommended by the Editor/Referees. When revising your paper please consider these comments.
Your resubmission is due within 90 days. Resubmission of this paper will be treated as a new submission: the paper will receive a new MS ID number and will potentially go to a new set of referees.  
In the interest of rapid handling, you must also submit a brief summary or itemized list indicating how you have revised your paper from its original form.   
If the reviewer comments indicate help with English language and quality is needed, we strongly advise you to consult a professional language editing service. For more information please see our Language Polishing page at http://www.elsevier.com/languagepolishing.

PLEASE NOTE: Computational Materials Science would like to enrich online articles by displaying interactive figures that help the reader to visualize and explore your research results. For this purpose, we would like to invite you to upload figures in the MATLAB .FIG file format as supplementary material to our online submission system. Elsevier will generate interactive figures from these files and include them with the online article on SciVerseScienceDirect. If you wish, you can submit .FIG files along with your revised submission.

Please note that this journal offers a new, free service called AudioSlides: brief, webcast-style presentations that are shown next to published articles on ScienceDirect (see also http://www.elsevier.com/audioslides). If your paper is accepted for publication, you will automatically receive an invitation to create an AudioSlides presentation.

Please note that we allow 60 days for author revisions.

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铁杆木虫 (文坛精英)


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