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新虫 (小有名气)

[求助] 管道工艺中的翻译已有1人参与

1.The Engineer shall have the right to designate the spools to be radiographed on  random weld and spool basis。
2.Liquid penetrant examination of welds shall include a band of base metal at least 25 mm wide on each side of the weld
3.Pipe or fittings with excessive gouging of pipe or fittings shall be replaced. Excessive gouging is when either the defect extends below the mill tolerance minimum wall thickness or is more than 10% of the nominal pipe thickness.
4.Where grating or floor plate is cut to allow for the installation of piping, the hole shall be fitted with a steel band welded to the floor grate with a continuous weld, and welded to the grating at least every third strand

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铁杆木虫 (正式写手)


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感谢参与,应助指数 +1
mjnb: 金币+20, ★★★很有帮助 2014-01-01 15:25:10
1. 该工程师应有权指定对哪些阀芯的焊接及阀芯座随机地拍X线片
2. 焊接的液体渗透探伤应该涵盖在焊点两侧最少25mm宽的基底金属带
3. 带有过量的擦伤的管道或者管道配件必须更换。过量的擦伤是指当缺陷超过出相对于最小壁厚厂厚度负公差,或者超过标称的管壁厚度的10%
4. 在切割格栅或者底板以便安装管道时,必须在孔内装入一条焊接在地板格栅上的钢带且必须是连续的一条焊接, 至少焊接在每三个肋上。
供参考。mill tolerance minimum wall thickness意思是猜着译的,可能不妥。
2楼2014-01-01 14:04:11
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新虫 (小有名气)

2楼: Originally posted by befair at 2014-01-01 14:04:11
1. 该工程师应有权指定对哪些阀芯的焊接及阀芯座随机地拍X线片
2. 焊接的液体渗透探伤应该涵盖在焊点两侧最少25mm宽的基底金属带
3. 带有过量的擦伤的管道或者管道配件必须更换。过量的擦伤是指当缺陷超过出相对于 ...

1.Gaskets shall be installed so that they do no protrude inside the pipe bore.
2. Orifice runs shall not contain welds except at the flanges.
3. Orifice flanges are to be drilled and tapped for jackscrews.
3楼2014-01-01 15:31:17
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铁杆木虫 (正式写手)

3楼: Originally posted by mjnb at 2014-01-01 15:31:17
1.Gaskets shall be installed so that they do no protrude inside the pipe bore.
2. Orifice runs shall not contain welds except at the flanges.
3. Orifice flanges are to be drilled and tapped for ja ...

1. 垫片的安装不应使之凸出到管孔里
2. 孔板管段不应含有除在法兰处的焊接
3. 异径法兰应该为起重螺杆打孔并攻螺纹
4楼2014-01-01 19:13:01
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