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木虫之王 (文坛精英)

[资源] ★★★★★★2014跨年神贴 Foundation in Pharmacy Practice 彩色版 pdf

书名Foundation in Pharmacy Practice
作者Ben J Whalley BPharm (Hons), MRPharmS, PhD
出版社Published by the Pharmaceutical Press
ISBN 978 0 85369 747 3
页数 225
目录1 What is Pharmacy Practice? 1
Ben J Whalley
2 Structure and function of the NHS in England 9
Rachel L Howard
3 An overview of community pharmacy – the role of the community
pharmacist: past, present and future 23
Sam E Weston
4 An overview of hospital pharmacy 33
Kate E Fletcher
5 An overview of industrial sector pharmacy 43
Clare F Rawlinson
6 Introduction to medicines management 55
Rachel L Howard
7 Structure and function of the Royal Pharmaceutical Society of
Great Britain 71
Kate E Fletcher
8 Essential communication skills for pharmacists 77
Kate E Fletcher
9 Prescriptions – types and legal requirements 85
Sam E Weston
10 Understanding and interpreting prescriptions 97
Sam E Weston
v i i i Contents
11 Packaging of medicines 109
Sam E Weston
12 Labelling of medicines 117
Sam E Weston
13 Extemporaneous dispensing: a beginner’s guide 125
Sam E Weston and Kate E Fletcher
14 Compliance, adherence and concordance 135
Rachel L Howard
15 Sale and supply of medicines: risk and advice provision 151
Rachel L Howard
16 Major routes of drug administration 169
Kate E Fletcher
Glossary of terms commonly used in Pharmacy Practice 181
Index 201

★★★★★★2014跨年神贴 Foundation in Pharmacy Practice  彩色版 pdf

★★★★★★2014跨年神贴 Foundation in Pharmacy Practice  彩色版 pdf-1


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