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[资源] 【英美经典教材】《植物生理学方面的进展》(英文)【已搜索,无重复】


英文书名:《Advances in Selected Plant Physiology Aspects》

2012年,397页,PDF, 16.1 MB。
Language: English



The book provides general principles and new insights of some plant physiology aspects covering abiotic stress, plant water relations, mineral nutrition and reproduction. Written by leading scientists from around the world it may serve as source of methods, theories, ideas and tools for students, researchers and experts in that areas of plant physiology.

Plant response to reduced water availability and other abiotic stress (e.g. metals) have been analysed through changes in water absorption and transport mechanisms, as well as by molecular and genetic approach.
A relatively new aspects of fruit nutrition are presented in order to provide the basis for the improvement of some fruit quality traits. The involvement of hormones, nutritional and proteomic plant profiles together with some structure/function of sexual components have also been addressed

Section 1 Abiotic Stress
1 Abiotic Stress Responses in Plants: A Focus on the SRO Family
2 Characterization of Plant Antioxidative System in Response to Abiotic Stresses: A Focus on Heavy Metal Toxicity
3 Genetic and Molecular Aspects of Plant Response to Drought in Annual Crop Species
4 Plant-Heavy Metal Interaction: Phytoremediation, Biofortification and Nanoparticles
Section 2 Plant Water Relations
5 Plant Water Relations: Absorption. Transport and Control Mechanisms
6 Defence Strategies of Annual Plants Against Drought
Section 3 Mineral Nutrition and Root Absorption Processes
7 Soil Fungi-Plant Interaction
8 Plant-Soil-Microorganism Interactions on Nitrogen Cycle: Azospirillum Inoculation
9 Selenium Metabolism in Plants: Molecular Approaches
10 Fruit Transpiration: Mechanisms and Significance for Fruit Nutrition and Growth
11 Significance of UV-C Hormesis and Its Relation to Some Phytochemicals in Ripening and Senescence Process
12 The Role of Root-Produced Volatile Secondary Metabolites in Mediating Soil Interactions
Section 4 Reproduction
13 Cytokinins and Their Possible Role in Seed Size and Seed Mass Determination in Maize
14 Nutritional and Proteomic Profiles in Developing Olive Inflorescence
15 Regulatory Mechanism in Sexual and Asexual Cycles of Dictyostelium
16 Terpenoids and Gibberellic Acids Interaction in Plants
17 Lipotubuloids - Structure and Function

(1)【英美经典】《Dictionary of Agriculture_3rd edition_2006》
(3)【英美经典教材】《森林生态系统 - 比树木更多》(英文)
(10)【英美经典教材】《Principles of Horticulture (园艺学的原理)》(英文彩色高清)
(12)【英美经典教材】《Introductory Horticulture(园艺学的介绍)》(英文彩色高清)




[ Last edited by star_zhang on 2013-10-19 at 04:59 ]

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  • 附件 1 : Advances_in_Selected_Plant_Physiology_Aspects_2012.pdf
  • 2013-09-22 20:06:02, 16.55 M

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[ 发自手机版 http://muchong.com/3g ]
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