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至尊木虫 (职业作家)

[交流] Sunset on the Beach

    A couple of months ago, our family went to a seashore city to attend a friend’s wedding. It’d been a long time since we went to the beach last time . So undoubtedly, we were all excited.
   It’s the very dusk when we found time to get to the beach despite the tired bodies. The hotel we settled down was near the sea, just 10 mins journey to the beach. We stepped out of the hotel, the late-afternoon March air was still a little bit cold and the wind was nippy. I walked with my husband, hugging his arm tightly, as if in this way could I keep the body warm. The kid followed us, enjoying his delightful time here. There’s few people on the street, for the weekend or it used to be like this? Occasionally,  a bus went by, with still few people on it. My husband was humming, suddenly he gave me a kiss without any prediction, a bus passed by at that moment, I felt embarrassed and a little bit sweet in the heart. The kid saw this scene,shocked expression on his face, followed by a smile.
   The road wriggled up and down, stretched to a little park. As for the early spring, the trees around were still bald and the chairs in the park were empty showing desolate scene, the fridges laid there silently waiting for its busy summer time comimg.  Look beyond here, a huge Ferris wheel on the playground stood lonely over there. Now the sea could be seen in front of us, three to four different kinds of dogs wandered by the hosts,they chased each other, playing for fun.
   “We’re here now”, both of us were excited, I whispered to my husband, “I like the sea.”, “Then we’ll settle down near the seashore later for the rest of our life.” He responded. Feeling warm in the heart, I wandered along the beach, which was formed with pebbles , not the sands I preferred, but that’s enough, for I had no higher demand right now. People dressed in thick clothes there, fishing or fishing for kelp with metal claw, some student-look people took photos by twos and threes. Of course, there never lacked lovers on the beach. We talked with the fisherman about his fishing while the kid collected some shells and stones and put them into his pocket. The sea birds flew lower, circling around us and yelling from time to time,I felt as if in the dream picture.
   Finally, We reached a little hill and climbed up to the top, the scenery from there was wonderful, like a oil-painting, the shadow of the sun was lying in the sea, shinning, just like some kinds of classical pieces of work I’d ever seen. The sea level was dim, mixed with the sky, entering into each other. I was attracted by such a painting, heart and soul. Some shutterbugs, amateur or professional, I didn’t know, carried their beloved tripods and went down to the hillside to take ideal photos from the perfect angle. My husband and kid had already went down to the rocks under the hill to take photos. They called me to go with them, but I preferred to stay on the hilltop to enjoy the view for a long time.
   The sun caught my eyes for her gentle light, not as the strong one as we usually saw in the daytime. Everytime I came to the beach, especially in the dusk, I had the same feeling, which seemed that I came to the mother, to whom I could tell all the difficulties I’d met, about what I suffered, puzzled, lost, experienced, being frustrated and hurted, and the mistakes I’d made and the lessons I learned from. I wanna tell, the tears in my heart when I faced the brutal reality, and let her comfort me, smooth the scars in my heart. I roamed on the hill and found that under the other side of the hill, there inhabited a flock of sea birds. Well, it turned out that this was the home of the sea birds. Yeah, everytime I came to the beach, I felt as if I’d been home. I enjoyed the time here, brief but warm. The scenery in front of my sight let me think about the movie “After the Sunset”, though Pierce was my favorite star but this time I backed up the actress, with whom I had the same point of view of life.
   I strolled back to the place where my husband and kid went down to the rocks, they were on the way up to the hill, both of their faces were red with cold haha, I loved them so much, thanked God to give me the family which I regarded as the most valuable treasure in my life. When I wanted to take a last glimpse at the sunset, to my surprise, the sun was almost hidden behind a dark cloud, the beautiful view had passed and no sunset on the beach. Sigh, just like the brutal reality, happiness is so short and the journey ahead is long and arduous, some unknown difficulties are still waiting for me. Ok, anyway, I’ve at least been back home for relaxation already and gathered enough strength to face it. So come what may, bring it on!
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4楼2013-09-01 21:01:46
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