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木虫 (正式写手)

[求助] 请问在Elsevier一期刊被录用后到发表前作者该做些什么?

Title: ******************(论文题目)

Dear Dr.**,

I am pleased to confirm that your paper "********************" has been accepted for publication in ***********(期刊名).

Comments from the Editor and Reviewers can be found below.

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With kind regards,


Comments from the Editors and Reviewers:


Title: ******************(论文题目)

Dear Dr.**,

A final disposition of "Accept" has been registered for the above-mentioned manuscript.

For further assistance, please visit our customer support site at http://help.elsevier.com/app/answers/list/p/7923. Here you can search for solutions on a range of topics, find answers to frequently asked questions and learn more about EES via interactive tutorials. You will also find our 24/7 support contact details should you need any further assistance from one of our customer support representatives.

Kind regards,


Comments from the Editors and Reviewers:


[ Last edited by zh09 on 2013-5-22 at 23:43 ]

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金虫 (正式写手)

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