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[½»Á÷] Ͷ¸åChem.Eur.J. 40Ìì·µ»ØÉó¸åÒâ¼û£¬±»¾Ü£¬ÍƼöÐÂÔÓÖ¾ChemPlusChem½ÓÊÜ!ÒÑÓÐ4È˲ÎÓë

Ͷ¸åChem.Eur.J. 40Ìì·µ»ØÉó¸åÒâ¼û£¬±»¾Ü£¬ÍƼöÐÂÔÓÖ¾ChemPlusChem½ÓÊÜ!
Dear Professor ***,

Thank you for your letter and the above-mentioned manuscript received on 30.01.2013. We are unfortunately unable to accept your manuscript for publication in Chemistry-A European Journal.

Since considerably more communications are received than we can possibly publish in the limited available space, a critical selection process has to be applied. We hope that you will understand our decision, which is in accord with the opinion of one referee only. The second referee did not answer despite several reminders.

Manuscripts that narrowly fail to meet the standards required for Chemistry-A European Journal, may, after revision, be considered by one of our sister journals. I have consulted with Dr. Marisa Spiniello, Deputy Editor of ChemPlusChem, and she would be happy to accept the paper for ChemPlusChem without the need for further refereeing provided that the points raised by the referees have been addressed. Please let us know by email whether you agree to the transfer.

ChemPlusChem is the new multidisciplinary sister journal to Angewandte Chemie and Chemistry-A European Journal and belongs to the ChemPubSoc Europe family of journals. It publishes Reviews, Communications, and Full Papers that cover at least two different subfields of chemistry. Please click here to view the homepage: http://www.chempluschem.org

We are sorry that we cannot at this time give a more positive reply and hope that you will agree to the transfer. If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact Dr. Spiniello (chempluschem@wiley-vch.de).

Sincerely yours,

Dr. Anne Deveson
Deputy Editor

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