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木虫 (著名写手)

[求助] 这篇文章重投同一期刊还有希望吗?

投了一篇文章到“计算机视觉,图像”方面的一个SCI期刊(IF>1.0),最近收到拒稿信,虽然被拒,但是不知道是编辑还是journal manger鼓励我重投,各位大神帮我看看,还有必要重投该期刊还是改投其它期刊?并分析利弊。感谢,附信及审稿意见如下:
Dear *,

This is in regard to your above-referenced manuscript, which you submitted for publication in *.  We regret to inform you that the Editors have found your paper is not suitable for publication in * for reasons given in the reviews included below.

While you may be disappointed by this decision, I would like to urge you to continue to consider “该期刊”for publication of future manuscripts. However, please do not submit the rejected manuscript as a new submission to this journal.


Journal Manager
Journal of *
E-mail: *

Editor's comments: There are in total three reviews returned for this manuscript. While one of the reviewers rated it to be accepted with minor and mandatory changes, the other two reviewers have raised a lot of issues about the proposed approach as well as the experiments. Especially, the concerns of this paper are three folds: 1) insufficient novelty; 2) limited experiments with simple data set; 3) missing important technical details. Considering that these two reviewers have more extensive background in related areas, the editor is taking their recommendations and rejecting this manuscript. Nevertheless, the authors are encouraged to resubmit the paper after they have significantly improved its quality and content.
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smallbug2000: 金币+2, ★★★很有帮助 2013-01-04 13:16:41
20楼2013-01-04 10:10:59
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smallbug2000: 金币+1, 有帮助 2013-01-03 14:00:42
2楼2013-01-03 13:45:44
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铁杆木虫 (职业作家)


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smallbug2000: 金币+2, ★★★很有帮助 2013-01-03 14:00:08
看有没有必要照 editor's comments 改~

3楼2013-01-03 13:48:29
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木虫 (知名作家)


感谢参与,应助指数 +1
smallbug2000: 金币+1 2013-01-04 13:20:41
可以修改后再投试一试  或改投
4楼2013-01-03 14:28:41
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