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铁杆木虫 (职业作家)

[交流] 我很囧~ 之千万别学我(6), 当 conference organizer 的心路历程~ (高级学者必看心得)已有11人参与

我很囧~ 之千万别学我(6), 当 conference organizer 的心路历程~ (高级学者必看心得)
这篇内容是专为迈向 conference organizer或是 editor 所撰写的。 如果你还没有经历过 reviewer 的阶段,请先依类别阅读下列的基本内容。

我很囧~ 之千万别学我(5), 当 reviewer/editor 的心路历程~ (中级学者必看心得)
我很囧~ 之千万别学我(5), 当 reviewer/editor 的心路历程~ (中级学者必看心得)—Part 2. 自我行销篇

我很囧~ 之千万别学我(4), Computer Jouranl 的投稿实验~ (初学者必看心得)

组织一个 International Conference 跟当一个 journal editor 是不同面向的,困难度都一样高,路线不同,但有一点是一样地,那就是你要有基本的「知名度」。 组织会议,好比是「华山论剑」、「武林大会」那样,你想办出什么样的等级就看你自己。 而 editor 就如同掌门人或是药铺老板,人家想拜师学艺,或是抓药,就得到你这儿来。
近几年,国内不少会议组织者就是标榜他们的会议,能被 EI 收录及检索,或是把论文推荐到某期刊去,甚至跟某 EI/SCI 期刊合作,发个 Special Issue 或是 正刊来着。 说穿了,到底会议还是得看期刊,因为期刊若没 EI/SCI检索,估计大家也是兴趣缺缺。而 editor 通常不会去举办会议;一方面,editor 本身就很忙根本没空搞外务,二方面,editor 尽量避免球员兼裁判,以免落口实。 一个期刊收费与否,涉及他们期刊的营运方针跟目标,不同的期刊性质,做法不同,这里非本文所探讨议题,日后有空再拨冗写这部分。

计划筹办一个 Conference/Workshop/Symposium/Session

如果你已经是为好几个 EI/SCI 审过一些稿件,或是替 International Conference 审稿会议论文,那表示你有一定的学术基础跟地位。 这时,我建议先不要一次就去办一个大型的会议,最好先从小型的 Workshop 或是大型会议里面的子会议,或是大型会议里面的 Session 先着手。 Why? 因为你不用全程准备及张罗所有的事项跟细节。 你是以逸待劳的,但是,你也是帮人(会议主席 or 组织者) 打工而已,谁也不吃亏。
好处1: 你增加了知名度,至少与会人员会记住你,认识你。
好处2: 你想发的论文,可以透过这个渠道,可能比较容易录取。

Case 1: 这个例子是写信给一个 SCI Journal 的 Chief Editor。

=====第一封信,主动信给 editor 谈合作======

-----Original Message-----
From: Elsevier [mailto:stjournalsjhtp@elsevier.com] On Behalf Of Rock Liu
Sent: Friday, November 16, 2012 3:26 AM
To: editor Subject: Requesting cooperation with your journal.
The following enquiry was sent via the Elsevier website: -- Sender -- First Name: Rock Last Name: Liu Email: rockinuk@qq.com
-- Message --

Dear Editor in Chief,
This is Rock Liu typing from Asia. My friend who is Dr. Jiang and his team will promote a high quality international conference in computer and information fields. They want to collaborate with your journal. They might recommend some papers of special issue to your journal. Unfortunately, this message board could not attach draft. I therefore do not send a proposal to you directly. If you have more interesting, please do not hesitate to let me know! I am looking forward to hear you reply.
Sincerely yours,

Rock Liu.
Tsing Hua University.

有些期刊会在他们的 editorial board 显示出每个 editor 的联系方式,有些不会,若有没那些信息,可以透过该期刊的官方留言板留言。 我就是用这个方法跟 Chief editor 联系的。

===== 当天,editor 就回信给我,内容如下 =====

from: Editor
to: Rock Liu <rockinuk@qq.com>
date: 16 November 2012 22:38
subject: RE: Requesting a cooperation with your journal.
flag: Important mainly because of the people in the conversation.

Dear Rock,
We can certainly consider high quality expanded papers from the conference that fall within the scope of the journal (please see http://ees.elsevier.com/compeleceng/). Are you proposing a special issue? I have already schedule SIs through 2015. If 2015 works for you, please send me a brief proposal.

Dr. Manu Malek
Computers and Electrical Engineering

===== 我再次回信告诉主编,我的想法 =====
from: Rock Liuu <rockinuk@qq.com>
date: 2012/11/16 subject:
Re: Computers & Electrical Engineering Enquiry: Requesting a cooperation with your journal.
to: Manu Malek <mmalek@ieee.org>

Dear Editor in Chief,
Many thank for your reply swiftly. Actually, we are promoting on next year. The draft of proposal appended in attachment. I deeply appreciated you who have interesting and give us this opportunity. How about the end of 2013? We would combine small collaboration firstly. If you think that's okay, we then continue to next collaboration deeply.
Kind regards,

Ps. The conference website is reconstructing now.
Rock Liu.

由于 2015 年实在是太久了,所以我写信争取希望在 2013 年就办一个会议。

Case 2: 这个例子是写信给一个源刊 EI Journal 的 Chief Editor。

还有一个例子是原本想谈 Journal of Computer,对方回建议改成 Journal of Software,整体目标跟效果不变,一样的出版社,期刊知名度也一样,所以我听从出版社建议,以 Journal of Software 为主。

reply: RE: Requesting a cooperation with your journal.
from: Rock Liu rockinuk@qq.com
time: 2012.11.16. Friday, PM10:16| to: jcp <jcp@academypublisher.com>
cc: Rock Liu <rockinuk@qq.com>
size: 20K

Dear Sir/Lady,
Many thanks for your reply swiftly.
I would forward your announcement to Dr. Jiang immediately.
Keep in touch,
Kind regards,

Rock Liu.

------------------ 原始邮件 ------------------
from: "jcp"<jcp@academypublisher.com>;
date: 2012.11.16. Friday, PM 8:52
to: Rock Liu <rockinuk@qq.com>;
cc: subject: RE: Requesting a cooperation with your journal.

Dear Liu,
It seems this email can’t be reached to Dr. Jiang. Could you help forward? Thanks.
Best regards,

Editorial Office,
JCP Journal of Computers
Email: jcp@academypublisher.com
WWW: http://academypublisher.com/jcp/

from:JCP - Academy Publisher [mailto:jcp@academypublisher.com]
sent: Friday, November 16, 2012 10:36 AM
to: Rock Liu <rockinuk@qq.com>
cc: subject: RE: Requesting a cooperation with your journal.

Dear Liu,
Thank you for your interest in publishing some selected papers of the conference you are chairing with JCP. It seems the conference website at: http://www.icii13.org/ is not accessible, but from the proposal you sent, we believe the conference is in line with the theme of the journal. We have some general guidelines on cooperation like this, at: http://academypublisher.com/files/siguide.pdf. Could you carefully check it out to ensure everything meets your approval? If you do accept our policies, please send us the required information. We will then post the news to our web site. According to the topics of interest of the conference, you are also recommended to consider another journal, Journal of Software that is published by the same publisher. If this sounds interesting, you can let us know by reflecting it in the information you are going to send us.
Thank you.
Please feel free to let us know, if you have any questions.
Best regards,

Editorial Office,
JCP Journal of Computers
Email: jcp@academypublisher.com
WWW: http://academypublisher.com/jcp/

from: Rock Liu [mailto:rockinuk@qq.com]
sent: Friday, November 16, 2012 10:04 AM
to: pmahanti; jcp
cc: subject: Requesting a cooperation with your journal.

Dear Prof. Dr. Prabhat Mahanti and Staffs,
This is Rock Liu typing from Asia.
My friend who is Dr. Jiang and his team will promote a high quality international conference. They want to collaborate with your journal 'Journal of Computers'. They might need some quota for the papers. (Might be special issue) The conference proposal (draft) appended in attachment. If you have more interesting, please do not hesitate to let me know! I am looking forward to hear you reply. Sincerely yours,

Rock Liu.
Tsing Hua University

1) 学术界讲的是信用及名气,当你去 google/baidu 他们时,相对地,他们也会去打听你。 如果他们对你一无所知,你就要尽可能提供个人的简历或是著作来证明你的学术能力。 这种的学术能力是没有标准及量化的,只能凭他们感觉是否 “ok”,有没意愿跟你合作。
2) 若你没底气,或是个人条件不足,你可以寻求大牛跟你一起合作,或是请他为你背书。 我讲的这个例子,我就是帮 Jiang 博士筹办及洽谈他的会议。这里面我请一位 IEEE Fellow 当会议的 Honor Chair,因为没提是跟本文无关,我跟期刊沟通时,也没有祭出这位大神,所以省略没谈。
3) 照我建议的方式循序渐进,其实很快就可以达到你所想要的目标,每一个过程,尽量的去经历并亲自参与,有助于日后你跟其他学者交流及谈判的筹码。 在这篇内容里,讲的是是自己筹办一个大会议,然后主动去跟期刊谈合作。

其实,我应该要先谈怎么去争取一个子会议跟Session chair 的,由于这个筹备案是近期的,email 上还留有记录,因此就先摆上来。

日后我再补上 Sub Symposium/Workshop/Session 的内容。最後,再?砻枋鋈绾萎斏蟂CI journal的 editor。


[ Last edited by rockinuk on 2012-12-10 at 16:57 ]

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木虫 (正式写手)

小木虫: 金币+0.5, 给个红包,谢谢回帖
11楼2013-02-04 15:33:30
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木虫 (正式写手)

小木虫: 金币+0.5, 给个红包,谢谢回帖
12楼: Originally posted by rockinuk at 2013-02-04 02:48:48

My friend who is Dr. Jiang and his team will promote a high quality international conference in computer and information fields.
这样说即可:The team of my friend Dr. Jiang is going to ....
They want to collaborate with your journal. They might recommend some papers of special issue to your journal.
这样说:They suggest a possible collaboration with your journal, by recommending a specific topic with candiadate manuscripts.
Unfortunately, this message board could not attach draft.
这样说:However,the message board does not allow attachment.
I therefore do not send a proposal to you directly. If you have more interesting, please do not hesitate to let me know! I am looking forward to hear you reply.
这里not用错了,另外intesting应该用interest, hear应该是hearing。

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14楼2013-02-05 02:05:50
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