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[资源] Chem. Soc. Rev.最新综述:由碳纳米管/石墨烯构成的三维多孔结构/气溶胶---合成与应用

最新一期的Chem. Soc. Rev.刊发了题为Three dimensional macroporous architectures and aerogels built of carbon nanotubes and/or graphene: synthesis and applications 的综述,详细的介绍了由碳纳米管或石墨烯组成的三维多孔结构/气凝胶的合成与应用方面的研究进展,碳材料因其高导电性和大比表面积在能源领域有广泛的应用,构成三维多孔结构后可以有效的提高材料的电化学活性面积,达到更好的性能。文章35页,引文211篇。

Carbon nanotubes and graphene are some of the most intensively explored carbon allotropes in materials science. This interest mainly resides in their unique properties with electrical conductivities as high as 104 S cm−1, thermal conductivities as high as 5000 W m−1 K and superior mechanical properties with elastic moduli on the order of 1 TPa for both of them. The possibility to translate the individual properties of these monodimensional (e.g. carbon nanotubes) and bidimensional (e.g. graphene) building units into two-dimensional free-standing thick and thin films has paved the way for using these allotropes in a number of applications (including photocatalysis, electrochemistry, electronics and optoelectronics, among others) as well as for the preparation of biological and chemical sensors. More recently and while recognizing the tremendous interest of these two-dimensional structures, researchers are noticing that the performance of certain devices can experience a significant enhancement by the use of three-dimensional architectures and/or aerogels because of the increase of active material per projected area. This is obviously the case as long as the nanometre-sized building units remain accessible so that the concept of hierarchical three-dimensional organization is critical to guarantee the mass transport and, as consequence, performance enhancement. Thus, this review aims to describe the different synthetic processes used for preparation of these three-dimensional architectures and/or aerogels containing either any or both allotropes, and the different fields of application in which the particular structure of these materials provided a significant enhancement in the efficacy as compared to their two-dimensional analogues or even opened the path to novel applications. The unprecedented compilation of information from both CNT- and graphene-based three-dimensional architectures and/or aerogels in a single revision is also of interest because it allows a straightforward comparison between the particular features provided by each allotrope.

[ 来自科研家族 材料家族 ]

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电化学-电池材料 石墨烯知识汇总 先进材料 科研资料
石墨烯与碳纳米管 石墨烯制备及应用 石墨烯及电化学 荧光材料 纳米化学/电化学综述
电化学电源、电源管理 科技 石墨烯碳纳米管技术顶级参考 科研与写作
新能源 优良资源 石墨烯与碳纳米管 nano review
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