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[资源] Advanced Materials最新综述:用于电化学能源存储的金属氧化物电极结构设计进展

最新一期的Advanced Materials刊发了题为Recent Advances in Metal Oxide-based Electrode Architecture Design for Electrochemical Energy Storage的最新综述,详述了金属氧化物电极的设计以及在电化学储能领域的应用进展。文章15页,引文131篇,为华中师范大学刘金平教授课题组和南洋理工大学娄雄文教授课题组合作撰写。
Metal oxide nanostructures are promising electrode materials for lithium-ion batteries and supercapacitors because of their high specific capacity/capacitance, typically 2–3 times higher than that of the carbon/graphite-based materials. However, their cycling stability and rate performance still can not meet the requirements of practical applications. It is therefore urgent to improve their overall device performance, which depends on not only the development of advanced electrode materials but also in a large part “how to design superior electrode architectures”. In the article, we will review recent advances in strategies for advanced metal oxide-based hybrid nanostructure design, with the focus on the binder-free film/array electrodes. These binder-free electrodes, with the integration of unique merits of each component, can provide larger electrochemically active surface area, faster electron transport and superior ion diffusion, thus leading to substantially improved cycling and rate performance. Several recently emerged concepts of using ordered nanostructure arrays, synergetic core-shell structures, nanostructured current collectors, and flexible paper/textile electrodes will be highlighted, pointing out advantages and challenges where appropriate. Some future electrode design trends and directions are also discussed.

[ 来自科研家族 材料家族 ]

[ Last edited by xiejf on 2012-8-28 at 20:50 ]

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