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木虫 (著名写手)

[资源] Nature 太阳能光伏 9.2%, 华工吴宏斌课题组

Nature 太阳能光伏 9.2%, 华工吴宏斌课题组

Enhanced power-conversion efficiency in polymer
solar cells using an inverted device structure
Zhicai He, Chengmei Zhong, Shijian Su, Miao Xu, Hongbin Wu* and Yong Cao
Polymer-fullerene bulk heterojunction solar cells (PSCs) are
currently attracting a great deal of attention and gaining
increasing importance, having already shown great promise
as renewable, lightweight and low-cost energy sources1–4.
Recently, the power-conversion efficiency of state-of-the-art
PSCs has exceeded 8% in the scientific literature5. However,
to find viable applications for this emerging photovoltaic technology,
further enhancements in the efficiency towards 10%
(the threshold for commercial applications) are urgently
required6. Here, we demonstrate highly efficient PSCs with a
certified efficiency of 9.2% using an inverted structure, which
simultaneously offers ohmic contact for photogenerated
charge-carrier collection and allows optimum photon harvest
in the device. Because of the ease of use and drastic boost in
efficiency provided by this device structure, this discovery
could find use in fully exploiting the potential of various
material systems, and also open up new opportunities to
improve PSCs with a view to achieving an efficiency of 10%.


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  • 欢迎监督和反馈:小木虫仅提供交流平台,不对该内容负责。
  • 附件 1 : 吴宏斌nature9.2%.pdf
  • 2012-08-20 11:23:22, 332.92 K

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