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[求助] Article Transfer Service 啥意思?已有1人参与

近来在physics letter a 投了篇文章,给出了如下建议,我不太明白,还请明白的人帮解释一下,是否建议我投 Physics B, Solid State Communications.等期刊,我需要重新按其它的杂质修改投稿吗?编辑的建议对我文章的发表有好处吗?

Thank you for submitting your manuscript for publication in Physics Letters A.  I have studied your work with care.

Regretfully, I have come to the conclusion that Physics Letters A is not the appropriate journal for publication of your work, as it does not convincingly make the case that it achieves the level of timeliness, novelty and sufficient originality that would justify its publication in a rapid communication journal such as Physics Letters A.  Given the current competition to publish in Physics Letters A (with an 75% rejection rate) and the burden that the present volume of submissions places on editors and referees, we now have no choice but to make difficult decisions at any early stage in the manuscript evaluation process. We do not evaluate the validity of the paper's content or estimate its value within certain scientific communities. The only determination that has been made is the editorial ruling that it is not appropriate for Physics Letters A.  

However, I do think that your manuscript could be considered by another journal.

Physics Letters A is part of a family of Elsevier Physics journals and I would like to suggest that you take advantage of the new Article Transfer Service, which gives you the option to have your manuscript transferred, to another suitable journal, within the cluster. This removes the need for you to reformat and resubmit your manuscript, saving you valuable time and effort during the submission process.

The journals available to you, as part of the Article Transfer Service in the Physics family are listed below.

* Physica B.
* Results in Physics, Elsevier's online only, open access journal, covering all aspects of physics and materials science (to find out more about our new journal please see the journal homepage http://www.journals.elsevier.com/results-in-physics).
* Solid State Communications.

If you would like to take advantage of this offer, please contact Gaia Lupo (physicsats@elsevier.com), the Elsevier Physics Managing Editor, who will discuss your options and manage this process for you. Please inform Dr. Lupo if you wish to edit your submission before it is offered for consideration in the new journal.

For further information about the journals mentioned and to learn more about the new Article Transfer Service please visit its webpage http://www.elsevier.com/physics/articletransferservice.

Yours sincerely,

Mihail Grecea, Ph.D.
Managing Editor
Physics Letters A

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