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新虫 (小有名气)

[交流] 【2012-7-30】2012年制造系统与材料工程国际学术会议(MSME2012)

中国 重庆

General Information  

International Conference on Manufacturing Systems and Material Engineering(MSME2012) will be held on September 21-23, 2012, in Chongqing, China, which is organized by Chongqing Normal University, Chongqing University,Zhejiang Gongshang University, Nanyang Technological University, Shanghai Jiao Tong University, Hunan Institute of Engineering, Beijing University, and sponsored by National Natural Science Foundation of China (NSFC).
MSME 2012 will provide a forum for engineers and scientists in academia, industry, and government to address the most innovative research and development including technical challenges, social and economic issues, and to present and discuss their ideas, results, work in progress and experiences on all aspects of Manufacturing Systems and Material Engineerin.
All the papers will be published by TTP of Applied Mechanics and Materials (AMM) Journal (ISSN: 1660-9336) company. AMM is a periodical publication with journal and volume number, each article with 5 pages in length. All the papers will be indexed by EI and ISTP.
Selected papers(about 80-120) will be published by several special issues in well-known international journals (SCI, EI).
Journal of Software. (EI)
Journal of Computers (EI)
International Journal of Manufacturing Research(EI)


Composite and Micro/Nano materials
Iron & Steel and Metal Alloy Material
Optical / Electrical / Magnetic Materials
Materials Physics and Chemistry
Building Materials and Energy Materials
Environmental-Friendly Materials
Biological Material and Chemical Materials
Thin Films
Seismic materials
Hydrogen and Fuel Cells
New Functional Materials
Surface Engineering / Coatings Technology
Material Processing and Cutting
Welding and Mechanical Connections and Fracture
Computer-aided Design, Manufacturing and Engineering
Intelligent Optimization Design
Reverse Engineering
Precision / Ultra-precision Machining and Inspection Technology
Laser Processing Technology
CIMS Technology
Advanced Manufacturing Mode
Mechanical Dynamics and Its Applications
Mechanical Reliability Theory and Engineering
Vibration, Noise Analysis and Control
Heat and Thermal Conductivity
Industrial Robotics and Automation
Machine Vision
Sensor Technology
Microelectronic Technology
Integrated Circuit Technology
Transmission and Control of Fluid
Mechanical Engineering and Control
Embedded System
Advanced NC Techniques and Equipment
Power and Fluid Machinery
Energy Machinery and Equipment
Construction Machinery and Equipment
Others and emerging new topics


MSME2012会议录用文章将由TTP旗下的国际期刊Applied Mechanics and Materials (AMM) Journal (ISSN: 1660-9336)出版,并将被EI和ISTP检索。

所有的文章都将通过会议的官方投稿系统完成投稿工作,提交的稿件应该是PDF的格式并且长度为4-5页,短于4页将拒收,超过5页的部分将加收超页费,会议出版论文的官方语言为英语,文章中不得出现中文字符 。

Journal of Software. (EI)
Journal of Computers (EI)
International Journal of Manufacturing Research(EI)

Submission system http://www.easychair.org/conferences/?conf=msme2012
Website: http://www.theiast.org/msme2012
Contacts Dr.Xiao   (+86)18983791503;QQ: 2312154362;QQgroup:203843400
Email address:MSME2012@163.com

[ Last edited by megm_2012 on 2012-5-17 at 23:46 ]

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megm_2012(金币+1): 谢谢参与
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