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金虫 (小有名气)

[交流] 英国发现“太空细菌” 有望成为世界新能源 (转载)已有6人参与


  这种细菌名为同温层芽孢杆菌(Bacillus stratosphericus),过去通常在距离地表32公里的高空被发现,被称为“太空细菌”。现在,英国纽卡斯尔大学的科学家们在英国森德兰威尔河(River Wear)河口发现了这种细菌。


  纽卡斯尔大学海洋生物技术教授格伦特·伯吉斯(Grant Burgess)称,用细菌制造的微生物燃料电池可以将河流中的废物转化成电力,并净化河水,尽管这项技术并不新奇,但“太空细菌”电池因其高能量拥有极大的发展潜力。

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金虫 (小有名气)

Stratospheric Superbugs Offer New Source of Power
ScienceDaily (Feb. 21, 2012) — Bacteria normally found 30 kilometres above Earth have been identified as highly efficient generators of electricity.
Bacillus stratosphericus -- a microbe commonly found in high concentrations in the stratosphere -- is a key component of a new 'super' biofilm that has been engineered by a team of scientists from Newcastle University.
Isolating 75 different species of bacteria from the Wear Estuary, Country Durham, UK, the team tested the power-generation of each one using a microbial fuel cell (MFC).
By selecting the best species of bacteria, a kind of microbial "pick and mix," they were able to create an artificial biofilm, doubling the electrical output of the MFC from 105 Watts per cubic metre to 200 Watts per cubic metre.
While still relatively low, this would be enough power to run an electric light and could provide a much needed power source in parts of the world without electricity.
Among the 'super' bugs was B. stratosphericus, a microbe normally found in the atmosphere but brought down to Earth as a result of atmospheric cycling processes and isolated by the team from the bed of the River Wear.
Publishing their findings Feb. 21 in the American Chemical Society's Journal of Environmental Science and Technology,
Grant Burgess, Professor of Marine Biotechnology at Newcastle University, said the research demonstrated the "potential power of the technique."
"What we have done is deliberately manipulate the microbial mix to engineer a biofilm that is more efficient at generating electricity," he explains.
"This is the first time individual microbes have been studied and selected in this way. Finding B. stratosphericus was quite a surprise but what it demonstrates is the potential of this technique for the future -- there are billions of microbes out there with the potential to generate power."
The use of microbes to generate electricity is not a new concept and has been used in the treatment of waste water and sewage plants.
Microbial fuel cells, which work in a similar way to a battery, use bacteria to convert organic compounds directly into electricity by a process known as bio-catalytic oxidation.
A biofilm -- or 'slime' -- coats the carbon electrodes of the MFC and as the bacteria feed, they produce electrons which pass into the electrodes and generate electricity.
Until now, the biofilm has been allowed to grow un-checked but this new study shows for the first time that by manipulating the biofilm you can significantly increase the electrical output of the fuel cell.
Funded by the Engineering and Physical Sciences Research Council (EPSRC), the Biotechnology and Biological Sciences Research Council (BBSRC) and the Natural Environment Research Council (NERC), the study identified a number of electricity-generating bacteria.
As well as B. stratosphericus, other electricity-generating bugs in the mix were Bacillus altitudinis -- another bug from the upper atmosphere -- and a new member of the phylum Bacteroidetes.
7楼2012-02-26 21:26:21
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至尊木虫 (知名作家)

4楼2012-02-25 23:20:15
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银虫 (著名写手)

再说了  离实际应用还差十万八千里呢。。。。
5楼2012-02-26 09:24:38
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铁杆木虫 (著名写手)

6楼2012-02-26 10:00:26
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