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铜虫 (小有名气)

[交流] 初涉雅思,刚写了篇雅思大作文,希望各位大侠拍砖啊!!!

Compare the advantages and disadvantages of three of the following as media for communicating information. State which you consider to be the most effective. Comics, books, radio, television, film, theatre.

In present-day society, individuals have plenty of communicating media. I will illustrate three kinds of media for mutual communication for information.

Obviously, there is no impeccable communicating media, which not only has advantages, but also has some disadvantages. To start with, books are ways to exchange information as one of the most traditional methods. People are capable of reading various books involving different aspects such as arts, music and science written by writers with distinct cultural background. However, the drawback is that it is relatively sluggish for communicating information compared with other media such as internet and television. Another crucial media is television that has come into people’s daily life more than half a century. Undoubtedly, inhabitants have chances to watch television programs brought into from outside in terms of divergent creating styles. For instance, numerous residents in our country like to watch Friends. Admittedly, television as the media maybe erode the local culture of certain country and area according to television series. Last but not least, what I want to state is film playing a key role in communicating information. On the one hand, film gives people opportunities to know the lifestyles and customs in other regions of the world. On the other hand, not everyone has disposable incomes to afford an expensive film.

In my opinion, I believe television is the most effective media for communicating information. Firstly, watching television is considerably economical because people do not have to purchase frequently other things, which is a disposable investment. Secondly, television can spread information timely. For example, people living in Beijing even have the ability of acquiring what happened in New York on the other side of the earth.

In conclusion, individuals, currently, are able to communicate information via different kinds of media. Nonetheless, I hold the opinion that television is the best choice for mutual communication due to less expense and up-to-the-minute reception.

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4楼2012-02-17 08:58:48
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