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【悬赏金币】回答本帖问题,作者wusheng924将赠送您 22 个金币


金虫 (小有名气)

[求助] 新年伊始,论文被拒,悲剧啊!!!

投的是Chemical Engineering Science,ELSEVIER投稿系统的论文状态显示reject,编辑返回的邮件如下:

Thank you for submitting your manuscript to Chemical Engineering Science. Your paper, referenced above, has been reviewed by experts in the field. Based on the comments of these reviewers, we regret to inform you that we are unable to accept your manuscript for publication in Chemical Engineering Science.

The comments of the reviewers are included below in order for you to understand the basis for our decision, and we hope that their thoughtful comments will help you in your future studies.

While you may be disappointed by this decision, I would like to urge you to continue to consider Chemical Engineering Science for publication of future manuscripts.

Reviewers' comments。。。。。。。。。

Reviewers' comments。。。。。。。。。

In summary, the manuscript cannot be accepted for publication at the current form. Major revision is needed. The major revision should include the technical points in the general comments and specific comments. In addition, the English writing is still quite far away from the standard of good journal publication. Even though the reviewer has pointed out some of them in the reviewing comments, it is far beyond the scope of technical reviewing. I hope the authors can engage some English speaking person to improve the English writing for the manuscript.


[ Last edited by wusheng924 on 2012-1-31 at 18:35 ]

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金虫 (文坛精英)


感谢参与,应助指数 +1
wusheng924(金币+1): 2012-02-01 12:35:25
很多编辑把major revision处理成reject,其实也算大修,可能稍微严重些,但这种最好修改后重投回去,希望很大的
8楼2012-01-31 20:35:07
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