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铁杆木虫 (著名写手)

[求助] 悲催被拒,但不能接受被拒理由,可能跟editor argue?

Thank you for your submission to ***。The review of your manuscript has been received. Although your manuscript seems to fall within the aim and scope of this journal, it is being declined for lack of sufficient novelty. We must consider each manuscript's scientific impact and interest to our readership; some factors entering into this decision include things like scope, originality, quality of the results, and significance to the discipline. Since we accept papers only when the majority of reviews are highly positive, your manuscript is declined for further consideration although we have received only one review so far. Please be aware that even technically sound articles are not published in the ***if they are not sufficiently novel and/or if the contribution is considered insignificant for the journal readership.
> I am sorry to be unable to give you a positive response but I want to thank you for your interest in Journal of Hazardous Materials. I hope that the reviewer's comments are of help to you if you choose to revise the manuscript for submission to another journal.


[ Last edited by avast2009 on 2012-4-10 at 13:04 ]

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金虫 (正式写手)


感谢参与,应助指数 +1
angel19860820(金币+1): 有帮助 恩,那我还是投别的杂志好了 2011-12-30 12:55:44
2楼2011-12-29 16:12:18
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