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铜虫 (小有名气)

[求助] 请教: IEEE TPDS 杂志索要的' teaser image' 究竟是什么?

前段时间投了一篇文章到IEEE Transactions on Parallel and Distributed Systems,
幸运的被接收了,但编辑日前给我的信里索要tex文件, 图片和个人简介等,其中还要‘a teaser image’, 第一次投这个杂志,实在弄不明白是什么东东。 故请教一下大家。原文如下,在要求上传的第2条中.
You need to upload to the FTP site:  
1.) ....
2.) Separate electronic figure files (acceptable file format is .eps only). Figure files must be submitted within 24 to 48 hours of acceptance and labeled in numerical order as they appear in the accepted article: Figure 1.eps, Figure 2.eps, Figure 3.eps, etc. Only 1 file required for any figures with multiple images/parts. Please also identify a teaser image from your manuscript that may be used in the abstract book as part of the OnlinePlus program and upload it as a separate file labeled: Teaser Image. Note that failure to include this information will cause delay in posting/processing your manuscript for publication. NOTE: If you intend to use an image that you didn't create (that is, it originally appeared elsewhere or someone else created it), you will need to provide permission that you're authorized to use that image to the production editor assigned to work with you on your article.
3.) ....
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铜虫 (小有名气)

没人理我, 只好自己研究, 自己认为是把文章中一个最吸引眼球的图片作为 'terser image'吧
2楼2011-07-14 14:18:00
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铜虫 (初入文坛)

3楼2011-07-14 14:20:21
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新虫 (正式写手)


3ds617(金币+8): 谢谢, 我觉得应该是这个意思 2011-07-14 15:11:59
3ds617(金币+2): 2011-07-16 21:52:40
预告图片,类似table of contents graphic吧
4楼2011-07-14 14:33:20
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铁虫 (正式写手)

请问你的TPDS一审多长时间,我的文章under review四个月变成with editor一周了, 不知道这个状态还要持续多久,很忐忑
5楼2012-07-27 00:16:29
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