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木虫 (正式写手)

[交流] 没过technical check,被拒,郁闷已有2人参与

年前投一篇paper到Euro polym J,说是要对paper搞technical check,其实就是写作方面的检查,我找了几个国外的朋友帮忙修改,然后重新投,昨天老板(他是通讯作者)返回意见。直接被拒。

Thank you for submitting your manuscript to European Polymer Journal. Unfortunately, following preliminary technical reviews, I regret to let you know that your manuscript was not given a high priority rating during the initial screening process for our Journal. Hence, we will not be able to send out your submission for an in-depth review.

We are notifying you so that you can seek publication elsewhere. For your information, we receive many more interesting papers than we can publish. We therefore send for in-depth review only those papers, which would likely be eventually published in European Polymer Journal. Papers are selected on the basis of originality, quality of presentation, existing coverage of the particular field, potential interest and significance for the broad polymer community, in addition to the usual criteria. Whenever possible, we consider the possibility of publication in specialized journals. Therefore, our decision is not necessarily a reflection of the quality of your research but rather of our stringent space limitations. We are now forced to reject about 75% of all submissions in total.
Once more thank you for considering EPJ as forum for publishing your results. We hope that we would be able to convey a better message next time you choose EPJ. We wish you every success when you submit your manuscript elsewhere.

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金虫 (正式写手)

2楼2011-02-25 09:55:17
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铁杆木虫 (正式写手)

Originally posted by yuanxy2006 at 2011-02-25 09:48:46:
年前投一篇paper到Euro polym J,说是要对paper搞technical check,其实就是写作方面的检查,我找了几个国外的朋友帮忙修改,然后重新投,昨天老板(他是通讯作者)返回意见。直接被拒。
原文如下。希望对虫子们有 ...

3楼2011-02-25 10:10:46
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