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[交流] 【经验】关于推荐信的一个模板与几点建议已有30人参与

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本文来自: 小木虫论坛 http://muchong.com/bbs/viewthread.php?tid=2779667


To Whom it May Concern,

  I'm writing this reference letter on behalf of xxx. I've been his/her supervisor for xxx years in **** University. In just those xxx short years, I've watched him/her rapidly advance from an entry-level position to a Senior **** Representative. I've never hesitated to recommend him/her for promotion when his/her time came.

  XXX derives satisfaction from helping his/her classmates troubleshoot problems. Many of those who've received help from xxx specifically ask for him/ her when they again contact support, and for good reason: he/She is professional, courteous and quick to help. His/Her skills are sharp and without prompting, he/she keeps them honed to a razor's edge. I often see xxx in our lab before or after work hours, replicating problems. Additionally, xxx doesn't abandon his/her friends when the whistle blows. He/She sticks to it even after hours, until he/she resolves the problems.

  XXX is a team player who is always willing to share the knowledge her sponge-like brain soaks up. For example, thanks to his/her willingness to share the trouble-ticket notes he/she so meticulously recorded and compiled, our ****Department was able to manage/craft "xxxxxxx," step-by-step, online troubleshooting guides for our field engineers. Consequently, we've seen an increase in customer satisfaction, a reduction in ***calls, and a significant savings on the department's bottom line.

  I have nothing but good things to say about xxx and I'd strongly recommend him/her for any endeavor he/she chooses. Please don't hesitate to contact me if you'd like to hear more good things about xxx.

  [Signature] 中、英文手写签名






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[ Last edited by 卡卡219 on 2011-1-27 at 11:12 ]
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