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金虫 (正式写手)

[交流] 【原创】把英语当做每天必做的事!已有84人参与

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铜虫 (小有名气)

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浮云。。。(金币+1):外语版有很多关于英语学习的帖子,欢迎常来! 2011-01-10 22:40:44
34楼2011-01-07 16:44:15
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木虫 (职业作家)

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sima022225(金币+2, 外语EPI+1):thanks for your kind response~ 2011-01-06 08:19:29
Originally posted by zhru3 at 2011-01-05 22:45:54:
当你向某个遥远的目标迈 ...

Thanks for sharing.

I read your words and quite agree with you.

Almost everybody has had or will continuously face the same experiences  as mentioned.When we don't feel like doing sth,we find various excuses to complain this or that. However,if we want to do sth or gain sth,we try every possible means to realize the so-called ambition or pursuit in the name of this or that.

In this case,we better think over wether we are making the proper choice or suitable decision,rather than complaining or find some magnificent reasons.

Once we have been determined to do sth,keep on trying.Hard work pays,as long as you and your family or friends have reasonable explanations and what we are doing is surely be of any significance to ourselves or others.

Please think about one thing:we now have many warm-hearted friends in this block as well as the whole forum,who are willing to help others without asking for this or that,not to mention any complaint to those having raised all kinds of or even weird questions.They just do as they want to do,maybe sometimes they cannot be of some help.

Give a rose to those in need and the happiness belongs to at least the two who share. Aren't they respectable?

In sum,actually your wife  made the point;fortunately,you listened to her.Hence,finally I would extend my best regards to you, your family,and those have lent or will give their hands to people in trouble;while those who faithfully follow others' suggestions and make their correct coices deserve cheers and blessings!

[ Last edited by 卡卡219 on 2011-1-5 at 23:45 ]
3楼2011-01-05 23:42:11
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木虫 (职业作家)

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sima022225(金币+1):thanks 2011-01-06 11:06:41
I do hope you can write in English to share your minds in the future.

Is it a nice idea to you?
4楼2011-01-05 23:57:41
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铁杆木虫 (著名写手)

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浮云。。。(金币+1):个人认为听些英文歌曲这类比较放松的歌曲,这样放松点 2011-01-07 10:44:02
6楼2011-01-06 09:59:25
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