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木虫 (小有名气)


[交流] BITE审稿结果回来了,给大家分享下,看接收希望大不?顺便求祝福!已有12人参与

Reviewer #1: The manuscript describes the development of bioprocess for bioethanol production from raw sweet potato at laboratory, pilot and industrial scale. Sweet potato could become an attractive feedstock for bioethanol production provided it is produced in surplus quantities. Though China is the world's largest sweet potato producer, the cost could become the limiting factor for its use as feedstock. Instead of corn or any other starchy material, the authors have used sweet potato as the substrate after hydrolysing it with commercial amylase. The efficiencies of conversion are significantly higher even at pilot as well as industrail scale. However, the manuscript needs lot of revision before it is accepted for publication. I suggest following revisions.
1. Introduction to be shortened to one and half page.
2. All values such as ethanol concentration, productivity should be calculated as g/L and not g/kg since it is not clear that g/kg of what? Whether it is g/kg of sweet potato mash. If it is so then the calculated values are not correct. For example, in section 3.3, the author has used 24% of total carbohydrate which gives 112.4g of ethanol. This means that the ethanol yield is 93%. This also means that the experiment is started with 705 gm of total sweet potato mash and this gave 112.4 g of ethanol. This means that the maximum ethanol concentration obtained is 159g/kg of sweet potato mash. Hence I think it should be g/L and not g/kg.
3. The analysis of total carbohydrate in terms of different cellulose, hemicellulose, starch , sucrose should be given. This will help to calculate the yields and efficiencies of ethanol production.
4. Glucoamylase and amyloglucosidase activities should be mentioned. It is not clear whether 500 AGU or KNU.
5. No mention of how mant units of amylase per g of carbohydrate are used for saccharification.
6. Fig 2 is not clear with respect to symbols. Total RS for SSF, SHF and PSSF should be same which appear as different from the Figure 2.
7. In Fig 3, it is not clear how much was individual sugars such as glucose, xylose, galactose, arabinose and fructose are pre4sent during start of fermentation. It is also not clear what are A, B, C.
8. Table 3 should be removed since I see no significant difference yields, productivity, and concentration of ethanol using with and without xylanase. Xylanase appears to have no role in fermentation. If it contains xylan then it should show xylose which is not fermented by S. cerevisiae.
9. English must be revised.

Reviewer #2: The manuscript was well written and according to BT's profile. The methodologies, results and discussion are clear. The manuscript shows no major news in relation to what is already published about bioethanol production from starch products (corn, cassava, sweet potato). The yields achieved in the fermentation (laboratory, pilot and industrial) are satisfactory. For this article brings some interesting information I suggest that the authors include in results and discussion a new table comparing production costs for bioethanol production from sweet potato and compare with other raw materials (corn, sugar beet, cassava, sugar cane and lignocellulosics). A review of English must also be made.

Other comments
- Remove first sentence from abstract
- Remove Fig 3 by giving details in text only.
- Include following refs in introduction/discussion: Bioresource Technology 101 (24), pp. 9710-9714; Therrmodynamic analysis of lignocellulosic biofuel production via a biochemical process: Guiding technology selection and research focus, Sohel, M.I., Jack, M.W.Bioresource Technology, Article in Press, Biomass and Bioenergy 34 (9), pp. 1336-1341;

这个Other comments是不是可以理解为编辑的意见?要是编辑让加该期刊的文章,是不是就意味着编辑比较倾向接收该杂志,这个有点不解

[ Last edited by 邂逅の浪漫 on 2010-12-16 at 09:50 ]

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铁杆木虫 (著名写手)

5楼2010-12-14 10:35:46
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