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[交流] 本组拟招收多名研究生(材料、光学、化学、生物制药、环境化学等)

北京服装学院材料设计与工程学院张洪艳教授博士毕业于中科院长光所,先后在中科院物理所、中科院理化所从事研究工作,有在美国约翰霍普金斯大学医学院访问学者经历。先后获得北京科技新星和鄂尔多斯市“草原英才”,在biosensor and bioelectron、analytical chemistry,sensors and actuators b: chemical等国际期刊共发表文章100余篇(sci收录80余篇),其中一作和通讯作者文章40余篇,获得授权专利30项,包括1项国际专利。主持了863计划项目1项,中科院仪器研制项目2项,中国科学院仪器设备功能开发技术创新项目1项,主持国家自然基金面上项目2项,北京市自然基金面上项目1项及横向项目5项,作为项目骨干参与了国家重点研发计划(973)项目、国家自然基金仪器专项项目、中科院仪器研制项目、国家自然基金面上项目等10余项,正在参与国家重点研发计划项目1项。
1.        s. wang, y. hu, l. ma, x. cui, y. peng, j. zheng, l. qiao, h. ma, r. wang and h. zhang*, preparation and performance optimization of resistive flexible temperature sensors prepared by inkjet printing method,flex. print. electron.2023, 8 025016(sci,if=3.19,jcr3区)
2.        w. liu, d. bu, h. zhang*,m. zhang,h. ren, z. li and m. yu *,a mitochondrial and lysosomal targeted ratiometric probe for detecting intracellular h2s,anal. methods, 2022, 2, 2835 ╟284 (sci,if=2.596, jcr2区)
3.        lin, x.m.; liu, w.j.; xu, s.y.; li, z.x.*; zhang, h.y.*; yu, m.m.* imaging of intracellular bisulfate based on sensitive ratiometric fluorescent probes. spectrochim. acta a, 2022, 265, 120335
4.        q. zhang, d. bu, h. ren, m. yu,* , h. zhang ,**, z. li,***, synthesis of a nir fluorescent dye and its application for rapid detection of hso3 − in living cells, dyes and pigments 2021, 196, 109753
5.        l. he, h. xiong, b. wang, y. zhang, j. wang, h. zhang*, h. li, z. yang, x. song*, rational design of a two-photon ratiometric fluorescent probe for hypochlorous acid with a large stokes shift, anal. chem. 2020, 92, 11029╟11034 (sci,if=6.789, jcr1区)
6.        y. hou, h. liu, z. li,* h. zhang,* l. wei, m. yu*,one-step synthesis of mitochondrion-targeted fluorescence carbon dots and fluorescent detection of silver ions, anal. methods, 2020, 12, 2835 ╟284. (sci, if=2.596)
7.        y. li, j. zhu, h. zhang,*, w. liu, j. ge, j. wu, p. wang, high sensitivity gram-negative bacteria biosensor based on a small-molecule modified surface plasmon resonance chip studied using a laser scanning confocal imaging-surface plasmon resonance system, sensors and actuators b: chemical, 2018, 259, 492-497(sci, if=5.667)
8.        y. he, z. li,*, q. jia, b. shi, h. zhang,*, l. wei, m. yu, ratiometric fluorescent detection of acidic ph in lysosome with carbon nanodots, chinese chemical letters, 2017, 28, 1969-1974(sci, if=1.932)
9.        x. liu, y. su, h. tian, l. yang, h. zhang*, x. song* and james w. foley, a ratiometric fluorescent probe for lysosomal ph measurement and imaging in living cells using single-wavelength excitation, analytical chemistry, 2017, 89, 7038╟7045(sci, if=6.32)
10.        h. li, h. dong, m. yu, c. liu, z. li, l. wei, l. sun,* and h.  zhang*, nir ratiometric luminescence detection of phfluctuation in living cells with hemicyanine derivative-assembled upconversion nanophosphors, analytical chemistry, 2017, 89, 8863-8869 (sci, if=6.32)
11.        m. yu *, w. du, h. li, h. zhang*, z. lia*,near-infrared ratiometric fluorescent detection of arginine in lysosome with a new hemicyanine derivative, biosensors and bioelectronics, 2017, 92, 385╟389(sci, if=7.78)
12.        z. li , w. zhang,  c. liu, m. yu ,  h.  zhang,*, l. guo, l. wei, a colorimetric and ratiometric fluorescent probe for hydrazine and its application in living cells with low dark toxicity, sensors and actuators b: chemical,2017, 241,665╟671(sci, if=5.667)
13.        q. ma, h. zhang,* w. liu, j. ge, j. wu, s. wang and p. wang, surface-enhanced raman scattering substrate based on cysteamine-modified gold nanoparticle aggregation for highly sensitive pentachlorophenol detection, rsc adv., 2016, 6, 85285╟85292(sci, if=3.2877)
14.         s. liu, h. zhang,* w. liu, b. zhou, q. ma, j. ge, j. wu and p. wang, investigation of biological cell╟small molecule interactions with a gold surface plasmon resonance sensor using a laser scanning confocal imagingsurface plasmon resonance system, rsc adv., 2016, 6, 65930╟65935(sci, if=3.2877)
15.        m. yu*, w. du, w. zhou, h. li, c. liu, l. wei, z. li*, h. zhang*, a 1,8-naphthalimide-based chemosensor with an off-on fluorescence and lifetime imaging response for intracellular cr3+ and further for s2-, dyes and pigments, 2016, 126, 279-285(sci, if=4.055)

招生专业基础: 材料、化工、环境化学、分析化学生物、光学工程等专业相关
(1)学费标准:硕士每生每学年 6000 元;
(2)补助信息:对于调剂到我们专业的研究生,新生入学即有 6000 元的奖金,另 外还有每月 700 元的生活补助,此外,学生所在的研究团队将为每名研究生提供每 年不低于 5000 元的资助
奖学金种类 资助金额 奖学金种类 资助金额
国家奖学金 20000 元/人·学年 国家助学金 7000 元/人·学年
学业奖学金 8000/6000/4000 元/人·学年
新生学业奖学金 8000/6000 元/人·学年
爱慕奖学金 2000 元/人·学年 纺织之光奖学金 8000 元/人·学年
桑麻奖学金 4000/3000/2000 元/人·学年
(4)学院积极创造良好的科研条件,鼓励学生开展学术研究,注重对研究生 的学术训练和培养,2022年多名同学喜获国家留学基金委资助去日本、法国及西班牙等国家攻读博士学位。此外,本学科已与中科院化学所、中科院过程所、中科院理化所、中国纺织科学研究院、北京化工大学、总后军需装备研究所、北京航空航天大学等单位建立了合作关系,根据科研项目需要,每年选派优秀研究生进行联合培养。
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