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luyi1967314: 金币+50, 翻译EPI+1, 有帮助 2023-10-31 09:45:17
Now that we have derived this very important formula, how can we use it to calculate the number of prime numbers in front of a natural number n? The procedure is given below:
         To calculate the number of prime numbers in front of the natural number n, we must find the number of prime numbers in front of the natural number n that are less than or equal to the natural number n, substitute these prime numbers into the formula ② above, and at the same time determine the number of prime numbers in front of the natural number n that are less than or equal to the natural number n, which is the number of prime numbers, and substitute it into formula ②, and then we can calculate the number of prime numbers in front of the natural number n.
        To calculate the number of prime numbers in front of the natural number 30, we have to find out the number of prime numbers less than or equal to the natural number 30 is 2, 3, 5, so we know that the number of prime numbers in front of the natural number 30 is equal to 3, and then we will substitute these data into the formula ② above, then we can calculate the number of prime numbers in front of the natural number 30 very quickly, and then we can calculate the number of prime numbers in front of the natural number 30, and the number of prime numbers in front of the natural number 30 is equal to 3.
4楼2023-10-30 09:51:17
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