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新虫 (初入文坛)

[交流] 美国新泽西理工大学(NJIT)招水利工程、流体力学博后(2023 Fall/2024 Spring)已有1人参与


CFD、多相流(multiphase flow)、固液反应(solid-liquid reaction)、反应运输(reactive transport)

· 实验室与美孚、美国环保局有多年合作
· 仪器设备丰富,计算方面有匹兹堡超算中心、圣地亚哥超算中心的支持
· 博后工资待遇优厚
· 同事间气氛融洽、地理位置优越

有意者请发送cover letter、简历(CV)、研究计划(research statement)至邮箱 boufadel@gmail.com

老板google scholar:


The Center for Natural Resources (CNR) at the New Jersey Institute of Technology (NJIT) http://cnr.njit.edu has an immediate opening for multiple postdoc positions in the area of environmental fluid mechanics with application to oil spills and underwater gas and oil releases.  The position is offered on the Main Campus of NJIT in Newark, 20 minutes from downtown New York City. The salary is very competitive.

The research position requires conducting CFD simulations of multiphase flow and conducting experiments using state of the art visualization and microscopic techniques.  The numerical results would need to be validated by comparison to experimental results using advanced parameter estimation techniques.

The qualified candidate would have a PhD in Mechanical or Chemical Engineering or a related field and be able to conduct numerical simulations using existing programs or programs that they develop.  They must have a strong understanding of hydrodynamics and turbulence (including various turbulence closure models) and transport of chemicals in open water.  They need to have a demonstrated ability in writing articles for publication in top journals, to possess excellent communication skills to mentor graduate students, and to interact with scientists/engineers in other fields, especially those investigating the biochemistry of oil in water.

Interested applicants are urged to submit their application in one pdf file that contains a cover letter, CV, and research statement to the Center Director, Distinguished Professor Michel Boufadel, boufadel@gmail.com.
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新虫 (小有名气)

小木虫: 金币+0.5, 给个红包,谢谢回帖
2楼2023-10-17 21:48:45
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