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[交流] 美国罗格斯大学Wong Lab诚招博后 (神经生物和代谢方向)

美国罗格斯大学Wong Lab诚招博后 (神经生物和代谢方向)

一. 实验室介绍:

The laboratory of Dr. Ching-On Wong, Department of Biological Sciences, at Rutgers University–Newark is seeking a Postdoctoral Associate to begin in 2023 (negotiable), renewable annually based on satisfactory performance. Research in the Wong Lab is focused on organellar biology and cell metabolism in the contexts of nervous system function and neurodegenerative diseases. We undertake a multi-disciplinary approach that integrates bioinformatics, model organism genetics, molecular and cell biology, lipidomic, and quantitative microscopy. Specific research programs involve studies of vesicular trafficking, glial cell bioenergetics, transcellular signaling, and neuro-immune interaction, and are funded by the NIH and Rutgers University.

PI’s profile:  



https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/myn ... ibliography/public/

Applicants should have obtained a PhD and/or MD degree in related disciplines at the time of commencing research in the Wong lab. Preference will be given to applicants with research experience in molecular biology, mammalian cell biology, neurobiology, or mouse models.

The lab PI is committed to provide mentorship to research fellows eager to pursue a career in biomedical research. Salary and benefits are provided according to NIH guidelines  (~53k USD/year). The city of Newark offers geographical advantage in the tri-state area, with close proximity to New York City and other top-tier institutes.

四. 招聘程序及应聘材料
Review of applications begins immediately and the position remains open until filled. Application should include a curriculum vitae, contacts of 3 referees, and a short statement of how the applicant will fit into our research program.

PI’s email: chingon.wong@rutgers.edu
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