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[交流] Postdoc Position of Crosslinked Polymer Membrane Simulations at Stony Brook U.

转发: Postdoc Associate Position of Crosslinked Polymer Membrane Simulation

(Salary is $58K-60K; duration 2 years; Location: the Chemistry Department at the Stony Brook University)

Essential Duties and Responsibilities:
The Post-doc Associate will work in a multi-institutional effort to apply molecular simulation techniques to understand the underlying structure-function relationships in polymer filtration materials. Specifically, the project aims to study polymer interfacial crosslinking and polymer membranes using atomistic and coarse-grained molecular dynamics simulations in combination with experimental synthesis and characterization tools. The position will be co-supervised by Prof. Benjamin Hsiao at Stony Brook University and Prof. Tao Wei at Howard University.  

Required Knowledge, Skills, and Abilities:
PhD in materials science, chemical engineering, chemistry or physics, or a related field.
Experience with molecular dynamic simulations (atomistic and coarse-grained), dissipative particle dynamics, and kinetic Monte Carlo methods.
Experience with programming skills in Python, C++, C or Fortran.
Experience with Gromacs, LAMMPS or other related simulation software.
Ability to work effectively with a multidisciplinary team.

Preferred Knowledge, Skills, and Abilities:
Experience with coarse-grained forcefield parameter development.[url=]全屏[/url]
Experience with experimental synthesis and characterization of polymer membranes.
Experience with polymer statistical mechanics theory.
Experience with machine learning.

Interested applicants should first send a cover letter and a detailed CV via email to Dr. Benjamin Hsiao (benjamin.hsiao@stonybrook.edu) and Dr. Tao Wei (tao.wei@howard.edu). In the cover letter, please detail the manner in which your skills can be applied to the proposed research. In the CV, please list your publications. The short-listed applicants will be contacted for an online interview. Applications will be accepted until the position is filled.
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