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[交流] DMBD'2022: Call for Special Session Proposals and Call for Papers

DMBD'2022: Call for Special Session Proposals & Call for Papers

Name: The Seventh International Conference on Data Mining and Big Data (DMBD'2022)
URL: https://www.iasei.org/dmbd2022/
Dates: November 21st-24th, 2022
Location: Beijing, China

Important Dates:

August. 20th, 2022: Deadline for Special Session Proposal.
August. 31st, 2022: Deadline for Paper Submission.

Paper Submission Website: https://easychair.org/conferences/?conf=dmbd2022

Brief Description

The Seventh International Conference on Data Mining and Big Data (DMBD'2022) serves as an international forum for researchers and practitioners to exchange latest advantages in theories, algorithms, models, and applications of data mining and big data as well as artificial intelligence techniques.

The DMBD'2022 is the seventh event after the preceding Guangzhou, Belgrade, Chiang Mai, Shanghai, Fukuoka and Bali events where more than hundreds of delegates from all over the world to attend and share their latest achievements, innovative ideas, marvelous designs and excel implementations. Papers presented at DMBD'2022 will be published by Springer-Nature in Communications in Computer and Information Science (CCIS) (indexed by EI, ISTP, DBLP, SCOPUS, ISI Web of Science, etc.). The downloads of our meeting's proceedings reach the top 25% of all publications of Springer-Nature. Some high-quality papers will be selected for SCI-indexed Jounrals (including IEEE Trans, Neurocomputing, Machine Learning with Applications, International Journal of Intelligence System, Expert System with Applications, Entropy, Electronics, Multimedia Tools and applications, etc.).

The main theme of this year DMBD'2022 is FinTech. Recent years have witnessed an explosion in the amount of financial data. Novel FinTech technologies, such as artificial intelligence and data mining, nurture an increasing number of financial products, services, and opportunities. Several complex problems, such as investment decision making, macroeconomic analysis, asset credit evaluation etc., widely exist in the field of finance. After witnessing several promising achievements of FinTech, DMBD 2022 proposes the special track of FinTech. This track aims to collect a wide range of articles from both data mining and its application to finance, it encourages original research papers of high quality that focus on novel ways of using AI techniques to solve the finance problems.

Sponsored and Co-sponsored by International Association of Swarm and Evolutionary Intelligences, Peking University,Computational Intelligence Laboratory@PKU, Southern University of Science and Technology. Technically Co-sponsored/supported by IEEE Computational Intelligence Society, IEEE Beijing Chapter, World Federation of Soft Computing, International Neural Network Society, Springer-Nature, CCIS, Beijing Xinghui High-Tech Co. etc.(more to be added).

DMBD'2022 will be held during November 21st-24th, 2022 in Beijing, China. Beijing, China’s sprawling capital, has history stretching back 3 millennia. Yet it’s known as much for modern architecture as its ancient sites such as the grand Forbidden City complex, the imperial palace during the Ming and Qing dynasties. Nearby, the massive Tiananmen Square pedestrian plaza is the site of Mao Zedong’s mausoleum and the National Museum of China, displaying a vast collection of cultural relics.The 2022 Winter Olympics was an international winter multi-sport event held between 4 and 20 February 2022 in Beijing. Having previously hosted the 2008 Summer Olympics, Beijing became the first city to have hosted both the Summer and Winter Olympics.

You are welcome to submit your Special Session Proposals (refer to https://iasei.org/dmbd2022/special_sessions.html#) or/and your latest papers to our DMBD'2022!

DMBD'2022 Secretariat
Email: dmbd2022@iasei.org
WWW: https://iasei.org/dmbd2022/contact.html
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