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铁虫 (正式写手)

[交流] 博士后招聘:电化学产氢,丹麦奥胡斯大学魏宗苏课题组已有8人参与

The Water Engineering Innovation (WEI) Lab at the Department of Biological and Chemical Engineering, Aarhus University, invites applications for a 29-month postdoc position offering applicants an exciting opportunity to join a new research project on ultrasound-enhanced hydrogen production. The starting date is May 1, 2022, or as soon as possible.
To improve the energy efficiency of water electrolysis, challenges must be addressed related to electrode fouling (e.g., bubbles effect and Ca/Mg mineral scale) and limited mass transfer in electrolytes. This DFF-funded project aims to overcome these limitations by applying ultrasound waves for enhanced degassing/descaling and electrolyte transfer in the electrolyzer. The Postdoc candidate will design and assembly an ultrasound-electrolysis module, evaluate technology scalability, write manuscripts, and mentor master/bachelor students. We are looking for talented and enthusiastic applicants with a Ph.D. degree in Chemistry, Chemical Engineering, Material Science, or similar. Strong background in electrochemical production of hydrogen and electrocatalysis is preferred, and practical experience in sonochemistry will be a plus. Further requirements are English fluency, good reporting skills, and being able to work independently. The deadline is March 1, 2022.
Interested individuals can go to the following links for application procedures: https://international.au.dk/abou ... hydrogen-production
课题组简介:魏宗苏博士自2019年起任丹麦奥胡斯大学生物与化学工程系终身轨(tenure-track)助理教授,博士生导师,Sapere Aude Research Leader。水工程创新实验室(Water Engineering Innovation Lab)负责人,主持超过2200万丹麦克朗(约合330万美元)的各类项目,课题组现有6名博士和3名硕士。研究领域涉及水化学、超声化学、计算化学、高级氧化等。魏博士现担任国际水协会(International Water Association)旗舰刊Water Research(IF=11.236)副主编及会刊Water Science & Technology(IF=1.915)主编,以及Chemosphere(IF=7.086)、Chinese Chemical Letters(IF=6.779)、Environmental Science & Ecotechnology等期刊编委。
Research group page: https://bce.au.dk/en/research/ke ... neering-innovation/
Google scholar page: https://scholar.google.com/citat ... AAAAJ&hl=en
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银虫 (正式写手)

2楼2022-01-18 00:43:10
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