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[交流] 感觉自己啥也不会已有17人参与


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铁虫 (正式写手)

小木虫: 金币+0.5, 给个红包,谢谢回帖
1楼: Originally posted by yan_mua at 2021-10-13 14:33:12



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22楼2021-10-14 22:43:20
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铁虫 (正式写手)

小木虫: 金币+0.5, 给个红包,谢谢回帖
there is part of my opinion, maybe not right!! (open mind and discussion is important)

do "try and error", find your strong point (theoretical or experimental scientist?)
in china's high school education system, education focus much on giving knowledge. the hands-on skill is not so much encouraged. the students after entering universities are some times not aware of the importance of experiment. much experiment could not be substituted.
no matter what your major is, logical?thinking, and imagination (it is also important for polymer science) is important.

are you prepared for phd study?
talking with your friend who choose to work after obtaining a bachelor or master course.
make sure you have confidence, and the ability to do something challenging.
learn how to maintains a good mood. sometimes, adjusting yourself.
some of my friends (at least four!) feel depressed when they got frustration.??

as a phd, one should self-learning, self-organized and self-motivated.?
the amazing point and difficulty of research is that, we need to create new knowledge.
when i talk with lab member about my work, often, he just ask: what's new?
i am a little frustrated.but finally, i know how to make a story.

why did you study abroad?
we should know that, since after birth, our individual life have much connection with our country.
the leaders of china (especially since 1978) said the importance of science and technology.
i think one background for this is our country has very historical culture. but modern natural science rooted from the west, especially european. especially, as phd student, try to learn the original literature, how did newton, galileo get their idea, or original paper in your own field.
not be shy, always try communication. i makes friends with the students in lab. it is difficult to have original ideas,  try to work together and discuss.

26楼2021-10-16 15:12:59
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