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新虫 (小有名气)

[交流] 新加坡国立大学博士后和研究助理招聘

Positions are available for Research Fellows (Post-doctoral Fellows) or Research Assistants in the laboratory of Dr. Siowling Soh, at the Department of Chemical and Biomolecular Engineering, National University of Singapore (NUS).
The general theme of the research in the laboratory involves smart, programmable, and functional polymers for a diverse range of applications. One of the themes involves the phenomenon of charge separation at interfaces, including solids, liquids, and gases. One example of a specific project involves the fabrication of non-charging polymers for eliminating the undesirable effects of static charge (e.g., sparks). The investigations involve fundamental studies (e.g., materials, polymers, chemistry) and applied research (e.g., collaboration with companies for producing the non-charging materials). In general, there is also the possibility of working on different types of projects in the laboratory related to “smart” materials and programmable systems in the fields of polymers and soft materials.
The ideal candidate is preferably a material scientist, chemist, engineer (e.g., chemical, mechanical, etc), or a researcher in a related field. The candidate should have a relevant Ph.D. (as a Research Fellow) or Bachelor (as a Research Assistant) degree. Candidates must have good hands-on skills in experimental work, are independent in research, and have good problem-solving skills.
If interested, please contact Dr. Soh at the following email address:
For more information on the background of the research, please refer to:
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