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新虫 (小有名气)

[交流] 清华大学深圳 生物医药与健康工程研究院 Tsuboi课题组诚聘博士和博士后



The Tsuboi laboratory at the Tsinghua-Shenzhen is recruiting Ph.D. members who are interested in RNA, mitochondria, or aging research (from September). We focused on understanding how the cellular organization controls gene regulation and age-related processes such as cancer and neurodegenerative diseases. We believe our quantitative approach combining microscopy, computational modeling, and biochemistry will discover anti-aging drugs in the long run.

We are recruiting Ph.D. students who are interested in our research topics or techniques. For more information, please see my homepage (tsuboilab.com). Please don’t hesitate to send me an e-mail if you are interested.
Please apply for the Ph.D. in March, and Postdoc are welcome anytime(ASAP).

Ph.D. Program: Chemical Engineering and Technology (化学工程与技术)
Master Program: Pharmaceutical Engineering (制药工程), Precision Medicine and Healthcare (精准医学与公共健康)
International students: Remote work available

For domestic students, We are aware that because of the COVID-19 restriction, many excellent students cannot move overseas, but our lab will run in English and may cover what you are expected for your Ph.D. period. We can also support you to move to your next career in the future. Cheers!!

We are recruiting Research Assistant as well.

We are recruiting 2 postdocs. The base salary starts from 330,000 RMB ($50,000) and you will have more opportunities in external fundings. On a side note, the Tsinghua-Shenzhen, Shenzhen government, and we support incoming postdocs very generously.


Website: https://www.tsuboilab.com/

Email: tsuboitat@hotmail.com

Twitter: @Tatsuhisa_T

#RNA, #mitochondria, #Aging, #imaging, #computational, #quantitative, #translation

[ 来自版块群 广东 ]
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新虫 (小有名气)

18楼2022-01-28 20:25:30
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新虫 (小有名气)

We are still welcoming your applications!!
4楼2021-10-04 14:07:29
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新虫 (小有名气)

Come to Shenzhen
7楼2021-11-26 14:34:45
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新虫 (小有名气)

Please contact me ~
8楼2021-11-29 21:09:10
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