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铁虫 (初入文坛)

[交流] 诚邀: 国立科克大学和梅努斯大学Irish Research Council (IRC)项目申请

Road Surface Defect Condition Monitoring using Smartphones

Road surface deteriorates gradually over a long period of time due to various natural and artificial causes, impairing not only the comfort of users and road safety, but also transportation economic efficiency. Technically, road surface defects (e.g., potholes and cracks) may cause vehicles bumping. The induced-vibration can then be captured and measured by accelerometer and gyroscope sensors embedded in the smartphone.

Dr. Dapeng Dong, Computer Science, Maynooth University
Dr. Zili Li, Civil Engineering, University College Cork

If interested, please feel free to send your CV to
Dapeng.Dong@mu.ie  and Zili.li@ucc.ie
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铁虫 (初入文坛)

Road Surface Defect Condition Monitoring using Smartphones

Dr. Dapeng Dong, Computer Science, Maynooth University
Dr. Zili Li, Civil Engineering, University College Cork

If interested, please feel free to send your CV to
Dapeng.Dong@mu.ie  and Zili.li@ucc.ie

Salary: 18.5k euros per annum for 4 years; tuition fee is fully covered.

Candidates should at least hold a bachelor degree in Computer Science or Civil / Transportation engineering, or will obtain one before July 2022. Candidates with a master degree in civil engineering or computer science are encouraged to apply. In addition, English certificate (e.g. IELTS / TOEFL) and international research experiences are preferred. Early application is highly recommended.
2楼2021-08-13 17:56:46
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