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[交流] 招聘 2022年 爱尔兰国立科克大学 岩土工程博士全额奖学金

爱尔兰国立科克大学 2022年

there are 1~2 phd positions in geotechnical engineering at university college cork (ucc) to be fully funded by ucc-csc scholarship starting from autumn 2021.phd visiting students and visiting post-doctors are also welcome. More details can be found in the link below:
https://www.ucc.ie/en/scholarshi ... rnationalcscuccphd/

civil engineering department, university college cork. civil engineering in university college cork has a long and distinguished tradition dating back to 1845.

dr. zili li is a permanent lecturer above the merit bar (equivalent to assistant professor in the us system) in civil / geotechnical engineering at university college cork. his research interests mainly include soil-structure interaction, advanced soil mechanics, tunnelling engineering, innovative monitoring techniques (e.g. distributed fibre optic sensing, wireless sensor network, big data monitoring and data-driven computational analysis).

dr. li holds a phd in engineering from the university of cambridge and a bachelor in civil engineering from tongji university in china. he is the theme leader in geotechnics of civil engineering research association of ireland (cerai). he has established wide international research collaborations with many academic institutions and companies including: cambridge university, uc berkeley, cern, transportation infrastructure ireland (tii), gavin & doherty geosolutions (gdg) and etc.

currently, he is mentoring a marie curie fellowship postdoc, supervising two research master students and 6 phds at ucc.

if interested, please feel free to send your cv to zili.li@ucc.ie
early application is highly recommended.
all applicants whose first language is not english are required to take an ielts / toefl / duolingo test.

english language requirements for postgraduate degree programmes:
college of science and engineering: ielts 6.5 - with no individual section lower than 6.0

爱尔兰科克大学 (university college cork, ucc),是爱尔兰最古老的综合型大学之一,建校于1845年,qs全球排名前200,是爱尔兰第一所五星大学,连续三年获得年度大学称号。是一所著名的科研型大学,理学和工学实力在全球前100。据国际货币基金组织的数据统计,2018年的爱尔兰人均gdp达7.5万美元,位居世界第五位。
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