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[交流] 美国UNC Chapel Hill 博士招生 (材料、光学方向)

The Yan Lab in the Department of Applied Physical Sciences at UNC Chapel Hill is looking for 2 PhD students starting in 2022 spring or fall. The potential research areas are: 1. Advanced optical trapping and manipulation techniques. 2.  Light-driven self-organization of nanoparticles (i.e., optical matter). 3. Synthesis of functional nanomaterials for nanophotonics, photochemistry, sensing,  and biomedicine applications. 4. Single-particle spectroscopy and microscopy. Application Requirements and Deadlines can be found here https://aps.unc.edu/application-instructions/. Spring admission is also available. We expect the candidates to have strong educational background and research experience, and those with master's degrees should have publications. Please see https://yan.web.unc.edu/ for more details or contact Prof. Yan (yanlab@unc.edu) with your CV if you are interested.
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