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银虫 (小有名气)

[交流] 宾州州立大学Penn State University招聘压电陶瓷方向博士后已有1人参与

The Department of Materials Science and Engineering at The Pennsylvania State University is seeking a Postdoctoral Scholar to conduct fundamental research in the areas of piezoelectric ceramics and devices. The postdoc will work under supervision of Prof. Shashank Priya.

This position requires extensive experience in piezoelectric ceramic processing, especially lead-free ceramics such as KNN. The candidate should have experience with synthesizing the piezoelectric ceramics using processes such as soild state reaction and tape casting. Characterization skills such as d33 meter, impedance analyzer, SEM, XRD, AFM and TEM are also required. Further, experience in piezoelectric devices such as transformers, tunable inductors and motors are appreciated. These experiences will be evaluated based upon the prior peer-reviewed high impact factor journal publications. The candidate will conduct materials synthesis and piezoelectric property measurement. The candidate will be actively collaborating with multiple academic and industry team members and thus good communication skills are desired. The candidate is expected to participate in development of project reports and proposals and thus good technical writing skills are highly desired.

The piezoelectric laboratory is located Innovation Park at the Department of Materials Science and Engineering, Penn State University Park Campus. Applicants are required to have a Ph.D. or equivalent doctorate in Engineering, Material Science, Physics or related fields. Before the effective date of hire, applicants need to provide evidence of completion of the Ph.D. degree.

The Pennsylvania State University’s College of Earth and Mineral Sciences takes an active role in building talented, inclusive and culturally competent workforce. We understand that our shared future is guided by basic principles of fairness, mutual respect, and commitment to each other. Applicants should share this commitment to fostering diversity, equity, inclusive excellence, and belonging and of engagement that creates an inclusive environment in their department/workplace.

Application review will begin immediately, and the position will remain open until the position is filled. Interested applicants should send the following pdf documents: (i) CV and (ii) Publication with your application to Xiaotian Li (xul308@psu.edu)


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银虫 (小有名气)

2楼2021-06-19 08:34:49
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银虫 (小有名气)

3楼2021-07-05 08:35:53
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至尊木虫 (知名作家)


4楼2021-08-14 20:54:29
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