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[交流] 英国约克大学 全奖博士招生(医学机器人方向)

方向非常好,注重科研理论性及实用性, 跟Imperial College London, Kings College, Harvard, Johns Hopkins等校有合作关系。有足够的funding, 奖学金丰厚,合适的申请人不用担心deadline问题。https://www.mrlabuk.com/

申请CSC访问学者、联合培养、公派留学人员请直接邮件联系: zion.tse@york.ac.uk
申请博士请将个人简历以及一切你认为有益的申请材料(成绩单,奖项,论文等)合成一个PDF发送给: zion.tse@york.ac.uk

约克大学(University of York)是一所位于英国英格兰约克郡的世界一流研究型大学,英国著名公立大学,英国顶尖学府。英国常春藤联盟罗素大学集团,世界大学联盟,N8大学联盟,白玫瑰大学联盟和江苏-英国高水平大学20+20联盟的重要学术成员。约克大学在卓越教学框架(TEF) 中取得最高奖项金奖,在2014年卓越研究框架(REF)排名中位列第10 [1-3]  。2018年Times英国大学排名,位列英国第16位。2019年卫报英国大学排名,位列英国第12位。2019年泰晤士高等教育(THE)排名,位列英国第16位。

Recruitments of Postdocs, PhDs, Visiting Professors/Lecturers/Scholars in Medical Robotics, University of York, UK
The Medical Robotics Lab at the University of York has career opportunities in the area of Medical Robotics and Medical Mechatronics. Applications are invited for Postdocs, PhD students, Visiting Professors/Lecturers/Scholars in surgical robotics and related basic science.

We are seeking exceptional, self-motivated individuals to work with an interdisciplinary team to construct and test a novel minimally-invasive device to reach far inside the human body.  The research will include mechanical and electronic circuit designs, prototyping and pre-clinical testing of diagnostic and therapeutic devices to address clinical problems.  A thorough understanding and hands-on experience of user-centered designs, electronic circuitry, programming and system control in medical applications are highly appreciated. Publication of results is also an integral part of the positions.

Key areas of research include:

•        Design, development and experimental validation of mechanical and electronic systems for robot-assisted surgery
•        Integration of novel and established tools for controlling and validating the accurate placement of diagnostic and treatment devices
•        Investigation of clinical workflows and validation of developed robotic systems in collaboration with clinical partners

We are interested in candidates with a strong background in one or more of the following areas:

•        Degree in Mechanical, Electronic, Electrical, Biomedical Engineering, Physics, Computer Science or related fields
•        Hands-on experience of engineering designs, circuitry, system control and integration, particularly in mechatronic systems
•        Demonstrated capability in designs, fabrications, and testing of novel devices
•        Proficiency in LabView, Matlab and SolidWorks
•        Hands-on experience of 3D printing, laser cutting, 3D scanning and rapidprototping
•        Demonstrated capability in smartphone programming, internet of things (IoT) and RFID applications

In addition, the following skills and experience would be a plus:

•        Knowledge in digital imaging, medical imaging (MRI, CT, Ultrasound, X-ray), and tracking (optical and electromagnetic tracking) and image-guided therapy
•        Programming experience in Android Studio, Xcode, App Inventor, C, C++, Python
•        Previous experience in medical device prototyping

Candidates will conduct research in the area of minimally invasive interventions in close collaboration with clinical partners.

Entry requirements:

Applicants for the PhD position will be preferred with undergraduate and/or master degrees in Mechanical, Electronic, Electrical, Biomedical Engineering, Physics, Computer Science or related fields. Applicants for the post-doctoral position must hold PhD degrees in the related fields by the time the positions start. Selection and interview process starts on a rolling basis. Please send all inquiries and application materials to zion.tse@york.ac.uk

The University of York is located in York, UK, about two hours north of London. The 2018 National Ranking of York is 12th by The Guardian and 16nd by The Times. We offer a competitive benefits and salary package. We are an equal opportunity employer M/F/H. These positions are based at the University of York Department of Electronic Engineering.

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