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[资源] 物理学经典教材:Fundamentals of Physics, 10th Edition

The 10th edition of Halliday's Fundamentals of Physics building upon previous issues by offering several new features and additions.  The new edition offers most accurate, extensive and varied set of assessment questions of any course management program in addition to all questions including some form of question assistance including answer specific feedback to facilitate success. The text also offers multimedia presentations (videos and animations) of much of the material that provide an alternative pathway through the material for those who struggle with reading scientific

Furthermore, the book includes math review content in both a self-study module for more in-depth review and also in just-in-time math videos for a quick refresher on a specific topic. The Halliday content is widely accepted as clear, correct, and complete. The end-of-chapters problems are without peer. The new design, which was introduced in 9e continues with 10e, making this new edition of Halliday the most accessible and reader-friendly book on the market.

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铁杆木虫 (正式写手)

★★★★★ 五星级,优秀推荐

21楼2021-01-31 20:36:37
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