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University of Paris和华为的AI+大数据博后
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Postdoctoral Fellowship position on Streaming Data Series Analytics ------------------------------------------------------------------- The diNo (Data Intensive and Knowledge Oriented Systems) group of the University of Paris is looking for strong candidates for a funded postdoctorate position on streaming data series analytics/machine learning. <http://dino.mi.parisdescartes.fr/> Position Description -------------------- The position is in collaboration with and funded by Huawei Research. The goal of the project is to develop technologies for managing and analyzing streaming data series, in order to extact patterns of interest in a scalable and real-time fashion. The candidate will also be expected and encouraged to collaborate with the rest of the group, and produce top-quality research publications. The position is for 1 year, starting as soon as possible, and may be extended based on mutual agreement. Candidate Requirements ---------------------- The candidates should have a strong background in computer science, experience in mathematics/statistics, and a good knowledge of English. In order for the candidates to be eligible, they should have a PhD degree in computer science (or a closely related field), a strong publication record, and excellent programming skills in C/C++, Java, Python. Advanced experience with data management, data analytics, data mining, machine learning, and data series (time series), will be a plus. How to Apply ------------ Interested candidates should email Prof Themis Palpanas a single pdf file with a copy of their PhD degree, and their detailed CV (including experience in research/industrial projects) with contact information of at least 2 references, and the preferred start date. We will start reviewing applications immediately, and continue until the position is filled. Themis Palpanas diNo Group <http://dino.mi.parisdescartes.fr/> ---------- The diNo group represents a vibrant and international researcher environment. It has world expertise in the area of sequence data management and analytics, has several ongoing collaborations with top national and international academic and industrial partners, and it regularly hosts invited seminars from prominent researchers in the field. The diNo group is part of LIPADE (computer science department), which is located in the center of Paris, in the bustling Saint-Germain-des-Pres area, and a short 5 minutes walk across the river Seine from Louvre. <http://lipade.mi.parisdescartes.fr/> University of Paris <http://u-paris.fr/> ------------------- The University of Paris is an internationally renowned multidisciplinary university, very active in exact and experimental sciences, human and social sciences, in both fundamental and applied scientific research. It is among the most important universities in France, and in the top 130 universities in the world.

University of Paris和华为的AI+大数据博后


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