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【悬赏金币】回答本帖问题,作者zuocuiping将赠送您 10 个金币


木虫 (职业作家)

[求助] lobster 提取vasp

yhrun: Warning: can't run 1 processes on 8 nodes, setting nnodes to 1
LOBSTER v3.1.0 (g++ 5.4.0)
Copyright (C) 2018 by Chair of Solid-State and Quantum Chemistry, RWTH Aachen.
All rights reserved. Contributions by S. Maintz, V. L. Deringer, M. Esser, R. Nelson, C. Ertural, A. L. Tchougreeff and R. Dronskowski
starting on host cn1351 on 2019-10-12 at 19:37:47 CST using 12 threads
detecting used PAW program... VASP
initializing PW system...
initializing Augmentations...
recommended basis functions:
Bi 5d 6p 6s
N 2p 2s
O 2p 2s
initializing LCAO system...
setting up local basis functions...
N (pbeVaspFit2015) 2s 2p_y 2p_z 2p_x
O (pbeVaspFit2015) 2s 2p_y 2p_z 2p_x
Bi (pbeVaspFit2015) 6s 6p_y 6p_z 6p_x 5d_xy 5d_yz 5d_z^2 5d_xz 5d_x^2-y^2 4f_y(3x^2-y^2) 4f_xyz 4f_yz^2 4f_z^3 4f_xz^2 4f_z(x^2-y^2) 4f_x(x^2-3y^2)
INFO: There are more PAW bands than local basis functions available.
INFO: To prevent trouble in orthonormalization and Hamiltonian reconstruction
INFO: the PAW bands from 993 and upwards will be ignored.
setting up CO interactions... found 24 interactions.
0%   10   20   30   40   50   60   70   80   90   100%

WARNING: Cannot use the tetrahedron method for k-space integration and must fall
WARNING: back to Gaussian smearing which can take significantly longer. Make
WARNING: sure to use the tetrahedron method whenever applicable.

calculating overlaps...
post-processing projection...
spillings for spin channel 1
abs. total  spilling:  29.64%
abs. charge spilling:   1.44%

spillings for spin channel 2
abs. total  spilling:  29.64%
abs. charge spilling:   1.44%

calculating pDOS... using Gaussian smearing integration (sigma=0.2eV)
writing DOSCAR.lobster...yhrun: error: cn1351: task 0: Killed
yhrun: Force Terminated job step 15148680.0
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木虫 (职业作家)

2楼2019-10-13 08:47:21
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