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木虫 (小有名气)

[交流] 英国思克莱德大学(University of Strathclyde)化学工程博士招生


思克莱德大学(University of Strathclyde, UK)化学与过程工程系招收一名博士研究生(项目以CFD数值模拟为主)。要求背景:热能工程,工程热物理,化学工程,生物质能源等相关专业。一般需拥有硕士学位,学制3年,奖学金涵盖欧盟学生学费以及每年约1万5千英镑生活费。非欧盟学生须自交海外学费差额。学校另设置多种奖学金可供申请,另外优秀博士生会被鼓励参与本科生课程助教,会获得额外收入。感兴趣的同学请在2019年9月30日前将简历以及两份推荐信发送到 jun.li@strath.ac.uk. 谢谢!

思克莱德大学校在2012/2013年度获得全英最佳大学的荣誉(UK university of the year 2012/2013),以及2013/2014年度被评为全英最具创业精神大学(UK entrepreneurial university of the year 2013/2014),工程学院和商学院有着广泛的国际声誉。工程学院更以工业为导向的教育理念尤为突出,毕业生在欧洲工业界广受欢迎。化工系的所有课程均被国际化学工程师协会(IChemE)认可。思克莱德大学化学与过程工程系位列全英前10 (2019/2020年度位列全英第6)。

University of Strathclyde has a long-term reputation in developing frontier technologies. The Department of Chemical & Process Engineering, as one of the largest chemical engineering departments in the UK, focuses on innovative studies in important areas such as advanced chemical processes, process design, safety & environmental protection.
The CPE department is delighted to offer an exciting PhD studentship on Biomass Energy focuses on the biomass thermal conversion technologies. This project will be carried out in collaboration with internal research groups of Strathclyde and industrial partners.
Project Background
Global biomass waste production has significantly increased over the years. It is recognised that the development of alternative, cleaner sources of fuels and chemicals from biomass waste can secure energy sources and address environmental concerns. The technology to convert biomass waste into valuable hydrocarbon fuels and chemicals becomes promising, and relies on unique advancements in solid fuel process engineering and waste industry design. This project will undertake studies on the processes and technology required to convert biomass waste into a range of hydrocarbons. This research project requires advanced modelling studies to describe waste to energy process and the fuel properties of hydrocarbons and chemicals produced. In addition to undertaking cutting edge research, students are also registered for the Postgraduate Certificate in Researcher Development (PGCert), which is a supplementary qualification that develops a student’s skills, networks and career prospects.
One PhD student position is available in Dr Li’s research group in the Department of Chemical and Process Engineering at the University of Strathclyde, UK. Academic supervisors will be Dr Jun Li and Dr Leo Lue of the Chemical & Process Engineering Department. Current research interests in Dr Li’s research group are: Development of Computational Fluid Dynamics (CFD) methods of thermal/chemical processes; ash related challenges; advanced thermoconversion technologies and fuel upgrading; integrated energy systems. The research team at Strathclyde is internationally recognized for research in numerical modelling and biomass energy. The successful applicant will be encouraged to work with partner EU institutions and industries.
One PhD studentship position is available from October 2019. This 3-year PhD studentship will cover Home/EU tuition fees and a tax-free stipend of £15,528 per annum. Overseas students need to cover the fee difference between UK/EU fees and International fees.
Entry requirements
Students applying should normally have (or expect to achieve) a minimum 2.1 undergraduate degree in a relevant engineering discipline, and be highly motivated to undertake multidisciplinary research. Knowledge and research experiences in the following areas are preferred: Energy Engineering, Thermal Engineering, and Chemical Engineering. Experience with a background in biomass energy and computational fluid dynamics is desirable. International applicants are also required to possess an IELTS certificate with an overall score 6.5 with individual sections scoring 5.5.
If you wish to apply please email a cover letter, full Curriculum Vitae and the names and contact details of at least two academic referees to Dr Jun Li (jun.li@strath.ac.uk).
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木虫 (小有名气)

6楼: Originally posted by Hai tong at 2019-08-21 20:21:53

11楼2019-08-23 17:56:54
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木虫 (小有名气)

李老师人很好,各位感兴趣的可以直接联系李老师 Dr Jun Li (jun.li@strath.ac.uk)
2楼2019-08-20 23:41:32
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禁虫 (小有名气)

凌枫霜叶: 金币+1 2019-08-23 17:53:36

3楼2019-08-20 23:52:27
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木虫 (小有名气)

3楼: Originally posted by reboiler at 2019-08-20 23:52:27

4楼2019-08-21 00:09:17
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