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[资源] 15种细胞生物学常用实验技术涵盖实验:细胞计数、细菌转化、质粒纯化等


(1)Analysis of SNARE-mediated Membrane Fusion Using an Enzymatic Cell

(2)Preparation of Myeloid Derived Suppressor Cells (MDSC) from Naive and

(3)Preparation of Myeloid Derived Suppressor Cells (MDSC) from Naive and

(4)Using an Automated Cell Counter to Simplify Gene Expression Studies siRNA


(1)Affinity Precipitation of Active Rho-GEFs Using a GST-tagged Mutant Rho Protein  from Epithelial Cell Lysa

(2)Genetic Studies of Human DNA Repair Proteins Using Yeast as a Model System

(3)Modified Yeast-Two-Hybrid System to Identify Proteins Interacting with the Growth Factor Progranulin

(4)Transmembrane Domain Oligomerization Propensity determined by ToxR Assay

(5)Using Whole Mount in situ Hybridization to Link Molecular and Organismal Biology


(1)Detection of Protein Ubiquitination  

(2)Pouring and Running a Protein Gel by reusing Commercial Cassettes

(3)SDS-PAGEImmunoblot Detection of Aβ Multimers in Human Cortical Tissue

(4)Selective Labelling of Cell-surface Proteins using CyDye DIGE Fluor Minimal Dyes

(5)Staining of Proteins in Gels with Coomassie G-250 without Organic Solvent and Acetic Acid


(1)Assaying DNA Damage in Hippocampal Neurons Using the Comet Assay

(2)Detection of Bacteria Using Fluorogenic DNAzymes

(3)Extraction of High Molecular Weight DNA from Microbial Mats

(4)Genome-wide Gene Deletions in Streptococcus sanguinis by High Throughput

(5)Whole Mount RNA Fluorescent in situ Hybridization of Drosophila Embryos


(1)A Method to Genetically Modify Vibrio cholerae Based on Natural Transformation and FLP-recombination

(2)A PCR-based Genotyping Method to Distinguish Between Wild-type and Ornamental Varieties of Imperata cylindrica

(3)DNA Fingerprinting of Mycobacterium leprae Strains Using Variable Number Tandem Repeat

(4)Isolation of Translating Ribosomes Containing Peptidyl-tRNAs for Functional and Structural Analyses

(5)MicroRNA Detection in Prostate Tumors by Quantitative Real-time PCR (qPCR)


(1)Culture and Maintenance of Human Embryonic Stem Cells

(2)Generation of Human Induced Pluripotent Stem Cells from Peripheral Blood

(3)Robust Generation of Hepatocyte-like Cells from Human Embryonic Stem Cell Populations

(4)Scale-Up of Mammalian Cell Culture using a New Multilayered Flask

(5)Serial Enrichment of Spermatogonial Stem and Progenitor Cells  in Culture


(1)    Alphavirus Transducing System Tools for Visualizing Infection in Mosquito Vectors

(2)Isolation of Ribosome Bound Nascent Polypeptides in vitro to Identify Translational

(3)Large Insert Environmental Genomic Library Production

(4)Optimized Analysis of DNA Methylation and Gene Expression from Small

(5)Single Oocyte Bisulfite Mutagenesis


(1)A Simple Chelex Protocol for DNA Extraction from Anopheles spp

(2)Associated Chromosome Trap for Identifying Long-range DNA Interactions

(3)DNA Methylation Bisulphite Modification and Analysis

(4)DNA-based Fish Species Identification Protocol

(5)Mutagenesis and Functional Selection Protocols for Directed Evolution of


(1)A Toolkit to Enable Hydrocarbon Conversion in Aqueous Environments

(2)Direct Observation of Enzymes Replicating DNA Using a Single-molecule DNA

(4)Examination of the Telomere G-overhang Structure in Trypanosoma brucei

(5)Multiplexed Single-molecule Force Proteolysis Measurements Using Magnetic

(6)Substrate Generation for Endonucleases of CRISPRCas Systems


(1)High efficiency, Site-specific Transfection of Adherent Cells with siRNA Using Microelectrode Arrays (MEA)

(2)Identifying the Effects of BRCA1 Mutations on Homologous Recombination

(3)Methods for Study of Neuronal Morphogenesis Ex vivo RNAi Electroporation

(4)Optimized Protocol for Efficient Transfection of Dendritic Cells without Cell Maturation

(5)Preparation of Gene Gun Bullets and Biolistic Transfection of Neurons in Slice


(1)Blue Native Polyacrylamide Gel Electrophoresis (BN-PAGE) for Analysis of Multiprotein Complexes from Cellular Lysates

(2)Detection of Protein Palmitoylation in Cultured Hippocampal Neurons by

(3)Induction and Testing of Hypoxia in Cell Culture

(4)Protein Membrane Overlay Assay A Protocol to Test Interaction Between Soluble and Insoluble Proteins in vitro

(5)RhoC GTPase Activation Assay


(1)Bromodeoxyuridine (BrdU) Labeling and Subsequent Fluorescence Activated Cell Sorting

(2)Development of Cell-type specific anti-HIV gp120 aptamers for siRNA delivery

(3)Genome-wide Analysis using ChIP to Identify Isoform-specific Gene Targets

(4)High Throughput MicroRNA Profiling Optimized Multiplex qRT-PCR at Nanoliter Scale on the Fluidigm Dynamic ArrayTM IFCs

(5)In vivo and in vitro Studies of Adaptor-clathrin Interaction


(1)A High-throughput Automated Platform for the Development of Manufacturing Cell Lines for Protein Therapeutics

(2)Detection of Invasive Pulmonary Aspergillosis in Haematological Malignancy Patients

(3)Detection of Post-translational Modifications on Native Intact Nucleosomes by ELISA

(4)High Throughput Sequential ELISA for Validation of Biomarkers of Acute Graft-Versus-Host Disease

(5)Preparation of Mouse Embryonic Fibroblast Cells Suitable


(1)A Calcium Bioluminescence Assay for Functional Analysis of Mosquito and Tick G Prote

(2)Assaying Surface Expression of Chemosensory Receptors in Heterologous Cells

(3)Generation of Transgenic C. elegans by Biolistic Transformation

(4)Split-Ubiquitin Based Membrane Yeast Two-Hybrid System A Powerful Tool For Identifying Protein-Protein Interactions

(5)Visualization of Recombinant DNA and Protein Complexes Using Atomic Force Microscopy


(1)Electroporation of Craniofacial Mesenchyme

(2)Gene Transfer into Older Chicken Embryos by ex ovo Electroporation

(3)Generation of Neural Stem Cells from Discarded Human Fetal Cortical Tissue

(4)In vivo Electroporation of Developing Mouse Retina

(5)Mouse in Utero Electroporation Controlled Spatiotemporal Gene Transfection

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  • 2019-07-22 10:36:17, 837.19 K

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