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1. Cover letter
Cover letterÊǸø±à¼­µÄ¼ò¶ÌÐżþ£¬¼òÒªÃèÊöËùͶÎÄÕµÄÖ÷ÒªÄÚÈÝ£¬ÏÂÃæÊÇÎÒͶ¡¶Scripta Materialia¡·Ê±×¼±¸µÄCover letter¡£ÆäʵҪ˵¼ò¶Ì¸ÅÀ¨ÎÄÕÂÄÚÈÝ£¬ÕªÒªÔÙºÏÊʲ»¹ýÁË£¨ÏÂÃæÄ£°åÖÐбÌå×Ö¼´ÎªÎÄÕµÄÕªÒª£©£º

Paris,September 6, 2018
Mechanics Unit                                                           
Materials and Structures Group
Chemin de la Huni¨¨re
91761 Palaiseau cdex
Editorial committee
Dear editor,

Please find attached our paper entitled « Degradation of the recoverable strain during stress controlled full transformation cycling in NiTi shape memory alloys» to be considered for publication in your esteemed journal. Our paperinvestigates the degradation of the recoverable strain during full transformation cycling in shape memory alloys. Results show that such degradation occurs due to: (i) untransformed austenite during full transformation, (ii) residual martensite after complete unloading, and (iii) plastic strain produced in the latest reverse transformation. Particularly, the plastic strain tends to zero when the stabilized state is reached. Furthermore, the degradation is frequency-dependent in the sense that a higher loading frequency results in a larger degradation of the recoverable strain. Finally, it is shown that fatigue lifetime decreases when transformation degradation increases.

Sincerely yours

2. ÍƼöÉó¸åÈË


Prof. XXX is a recognized specialist in this field, and his work is
cited in this work to explain the plastic deformation in SMAs.

3. ·µÐÞ


3.1 ·µÐÞCover letter

·µÐÞµÄCover letterÒ»°ãÖ±½ÓдÉϱ༭µÄÃû×Ö£¬Îı¾ÈçÏ£º

Dear Professor Kazuhiro Hono,

Thank you for giving us the opportunity to revise our paper entitled «Degradation of the recoverable strain during stress controlled full transformation cycling in NiTi shape memory alloys» (SMM-18-1696). In the revised version, all the reviewer¡¯s comments and suggestions have been taken into account (the modifications are highlighted in blue in the paper) and the details are given in the attached document ¡°Answer to the reviewer¡±.

Thank you very much and looking forward to hearing from you.

Best Regards,
Sincerely  yours



Reviewer's comment: This paper presents an interesting work showing the effect of untransformed austenite and residual martensite on the super-elastic behaviorof a NiTi wire subjected to a cycling tension loading with two frequencies values. It shows that an induced remnant strain is reached for stabilized behavior leading to a decreasing of the maximum transformation strain between the initial and stabilized cycles. The effect of loading frequency is carried out by considering various values of frequency between 0.1 and 1 Hz. It appears that remnant strain increases with frequency increasing.

The paper is very well written and presents an original work. It will be interesting to confirm such conclusions by considering the effects of geometry (higher and lower diameter and plate samples in order to consider the localization influence), material properties (effect of microstructure on plastic strain and internal stresses) and loading (lower stress level leadingto internal loop behavior and stress rate effect).



Reviewer's comments: In Fig. 8, why does not it contain the results at room temperature? Is there a specific consideration? If yes, what?

Answer: There is no specific consideration; it is just because the first author used the temperature chamber and then unconsciously heated the specimens to high temperatures.

3.3 ´óÐÞ½ÓÊÜ

ÎÒͶ¸åÓöµ½×î¶àµÄ¾ÍÊÇ´óÐÞÁË¡£ÏÂÃæÕâ¸öÉó¸åÒâ¼ûÊÇÎÒͶ¡¶International Journal of Plasticity¡·Óöµ½µÄ¾ßÓдú±íÐԵĴóÐÞÒâ¼û£¬

Reveiewer' comments: In this paper, the authors investigate how the generation and absorption of latent heat aects the low cycle fatigue of shape memory alloys (SMAs) under different cyclic loading frequencies. The content of the article shows a work that has been conducted carefully, the procedures are well explained, and a plethora of experimental results are illustrated, discussed, and modeled. To my opinion,however, it is not very clear how this work is in a mechanics based journal of the caliber of IJP.
I believe that the specic section needs to be completely reconstructed, aligned with experimental evidence as provided in the literature, and discussed with respect to the model suggested or removed altogether.

Answers: The authors are thankful to the reviewer for his constructive comments. Our study consists of experimental and theoretical parts, which is compatible with the scope of IJP as it is stated in the scope of the journal: ¡°The purpose of the journal is to report original research on all aspects of plastic deformation, damage and fracture ¡­...Significant experimental, numerical or theoretical contributions advancing the understanding of plastic behaviour of solids are of special interest, together with studies relating macroscopic to the microscopic behaviour of solids.¡± Actually many articles dealing with the fatigue behaviour including crack growth and fatigue models have been published in IJP, such as......

3.4 ´óÐÞ±»¾Ü


ÎÄÕÂˮƽ²»µ½Î»±»¾ÜµÄ¾­Àú»¹ÊÇÀ´×Ô¡¶International Journal of Plasticity¡·£¬Èý¸öÉó¸åÈ˶¼¸ø³öÁË´óÐÞµÄÒâ¼û£¬´ú±íÐÔµÄÈçÏ£º

Reviewer¡®s comments: The paper has not enough innovation as an independent paper comparing to the previous work. More's important, this paper attempts to give a physical insight into the energy analysis at both micro and macro scales, however, some necessary experiments at micro scale are absent. The predicted fatigue lives by the energy-based model should be provided here if any new contributions are added into the model.



The paper cannot provide more new contributions than the previous work, the reviewer insists original judgment: the present version is not suitable for a publication in IJP.

Óöµ½ºÍ×÷ÕßÒâ¼ûÏò×óµÄÉó¸åÈ˵ľ­ÀúÀ´×Ô¡¶Journal of the Mechanics and Pysics of Solids¡·¡£ÈÎƾÎÒÈçºÎ½âÊÍ£¬Éó¸åÈ˼á³ÖÈÏΪÎҵĹ۵㲻¶Ô£º

The key concerns on this manuscript is that the basic concepts, starting points and the fundamental physics mechanism are not clearly stated/provided and even wrong.Also the authors failed to clearly address the other major concerns raised by the reviewer. Therefore I will not recommend it for publication in JMPS.
However, I feel that this manuscript is quite suitable for publication in certain more specific journal like Int. J. of Fatigue.


I also appreciate how the authors dealt with the comments of the referee 1.....
I appreciate all the efforts the authors made in the rebuttal and agree with the publication of the article in its present form.


3.5 ÈÌÎÞ¿ÉÈÌ¡¢í¡»ØÈ¥

×î½ü½ÓÊܵÄһƪ¡¶International Journal of Plasticity¡·£¬ÔÚËùÓÐÉó¸åÈËÈ«²¿½ÓÊܵÄÇé¿öÏ£¬ÓÐÒ»Éó¸åÈË£¬Á¬¾ÜËĴΡ£ÕâÊÇÉó¸åÈ˵ÚÈý¾Ü£¬ÊµÔÚû·¨¸Ä£¬ÄǾͲ»¸ÄÁË£¬í¡»ØÈ¥

Reviewer's Comments:My final decision is such that it is not demonstrated experimentally and theoretically that the term "TRIP" can be used in the phenomena. It seems that the reasonable connection between experimental result, theory, and modelling is missing in this paper.
Additionally, it may be difficult to claim theoretical advances in present study, because the equations 1-20 are just the definitions of physical quantities in the first and second laws of thermodynamics.

Answers: The reviewer expresses his concern about the use of the term "TRIP" for the phenomenon, however, we feel that TRIP is the right term for the phenomena described in the paper......In fact, in the pseudoelastic domain of SMAs, the applied stress is lower than the plastic yield limit; TRIP is then the unique mechanism that could explain the triggering of plastic deformation during stress-induced transformation. This has been reported in many works, such as:......... When it comes to the reviewer¡¯s doubts about the connection between our theoretical modeling and experimental results, we must point out that none of the classical stressor strain based criteria derive from quantitative derivations; they are alwaysempirical equations from experimental results (Masson-Coffin criterion,Crossland Criterion, Findley criterion, etc.).To the best knowledge of the authors, the only criterion that considers mesoscopic stress is the Dang Vancriterion, and even in his case, the validation of the model is carried out at amacroscopic scale using a meso-macro passage.

Reviewer's comments: Additionally, it may be difficult to claim theoretical advances in present study, because the equations 1-20 are just the definitions of physical quantities in the first and second laws of thermodynamics.

Answers: Of course they are derived from the first and second laws of thermodynamics£» they are the foundation of continuum mechanics. (ÕâÊǵ±È»ÁË£¬ÈÈÁ¦Ñ§µÚÒ»µÚ¶þ¶¨ÂÉÊÇËùÓÐÁ¬Ðø½éÖÊÁ¦Ñ§µÄ»ù´¡¡£)


4. ´ß¸å


4.1 ¿ÍÆøµØ´ß

Dear editor,

I'm not sure if it is the right time to contact you to inquire about the status of my submitted manuscript: (ID: CMAT-D-18-00038) Entitled "Energy-based analysis of temperature oscillation at the shakedown state in shape memory alloys"
It has been submitted for over three months, but I have not heard of any decision from the journal. I will be most grateful if you could let me know the current status of the manuscript.
Thank very much for your consideration, and look forward to hearing from you soon.

With kind regards,
Yours sincerely,



4.2 ²»¿ÍÆøµØ´ß

Dear editor,

I am writing to inquire about our paper reference above. This paper has been submitted more than 8 months since Feb 15, but the status of the paper is still "under review".
I understand that reviewers can sometimes be busy but there is limit. It is not normal to keep a paper 8 moths for review. I have never faced such a situation.
If your journal is unable to make a decision of our submission, please let me know and let me withdraw the paper to submit it to another journal. I would be very grateful for your attention and thank you very much for your consideration.
Sincerely yours,
ZHANG Yahui, PhD



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