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金虫 (正式写手)

[交流] University of Notre Dame招聘聚合物材料、药物递送相关背景博后

Postdoc position
University of Notre Dame, USA

One postdoc position is available at prof. matthew j. webber's lab at university of notre dame. passionate researchers with a strong background in polymeric materials, drug/protein delivery are welcome to apply. qualified applicants are expected to be self-motivated and have strong publication records. interested individuals should email a letter of application, cv, and names of three professional references to prof. webber. the position will remain open until filled.   

About Us:

We are building an interdisciplinary group of researchers comprised of engineers, chemists, and biologists, all of whom are interested in building things and solving important problems. a commonality within our work is using supramolecular principles to develop creative solutions for issues that arise in healthcare, specifically toward the generation of improved therapeutics. as such, we build platforms based on predictable, tunable, modular, and high-affinity supramolecular interactions that offer unrivaled control over emergent properties. this affords problem-specific tailoring of materials, devices, or constructs to address the task at hand with enabling technologies. the interdisciplinary nature of this work necessitates a highly collaborative culture, and we actively seek partners from throughout the university of notre dame as well as the regional and global academic community. in addition, we are always open to partnering with industry leaders in order to help advance our ideas to market. for more information please visit https://www.webberlab.com/.

[ last edited by sqizeng on 2018-12-6 at 12:56 ]

[ Last edited by sqizeng on 2018-12-6 at 12:56 ]

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29楼2018-12-09 06:33:50
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