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[交流] 莱斯大学(Rice University)汪淏田课题组诚招博士后和访问学生学者已有31人参与

美国莱斯大学化学与生物分子工程系(Chemical and Biomolecular Engineering)汪淏田教授课题组招收博士后和访问学生学者若干名,拟开展纳米科技在材料、能源、环境等相关方面应用的科研工作,最早开始日期为2019年2月1号。申请将在人员招满后截止。


Wang Group于2016年在哈佛大学罗兰研究所(Rowland Institute)起步,至今两年多时间以来,已在很多国际顶尖杂志,包括Nature Catalysis(封面文章), Chem(封面文章), Energy & Environmental Science, Advanced Materials, ACS Nano等发表重要工作。有活力、有想法、有创造力、严谨治学、脚踏实地是本课题组引以为傲的标签,也是我们对未来能够加入到我们课题组新成员的期盼。本课题组将聚焦在能源、环境等领域,利用基础纳米技术去解决催化、电池、清洁能源转化与存储、水处理、绿色合成等全球面临的重大问题。课题组以科学原理为基础,利用各种先进表征和模拟计算等手段深挖反应机理,为人类科学探索添砖加瓦;以技术应用为导向,将推进新技术对现有技术的替代或补充,让成果不再停留在实验室,以期造福世界。课题组2018年底将从哈佛大学整体搬迁至莱斯大学,我们期待有理想有抱负的你加入我们,一起在崭新的平台创造出更多有意义的成果!

拥有相关背景专业的博士学历 ,对科研充满激情和动力,背景可涵盖但不仅限于:
heterogeneous catalysis (such as CO2 reduction/hydrogenation, CH4 partial oxidation, low-T methanol reforming, solid oxide fuel cell, and so on), microbial synthesis/fermentation, organic chemistry, electrochromic materials/devices, electrochemical synthesis, water treatment, batteries, photochemical/photoelectrochemical chemistry, and so on.
申请材料:(1) cover letter, (2) complete curriculum vitae, (3) statement of past research achievements, (4) statement of future research interests, and (5) contacts of three references

2007-2011, BS, University of Science and Technology of China
2011-2016, PhD, Stanford University
2016-2018,    Principle Investigator, Harvard University
2019-        ,    Assistant Professor, Rice University


The Wang Group at Rice University is now accepting applications for one to two postdoctoral fellow positions starting on Feb. 2019 or later. The focus is on energy and environment applications. Candidates with great achievements in areas including but not limited to heterogeneous catalysis (such as CO2 reduction/hydrogenation, CH4 partial oxidation, low-T methanol reforming, solid oxide fuel cell, and so on), microbial synthesis/fermentation, organic chemistry, electrochromic materials/devices, electrochemical synthesis, water treatment, batteries, photochemical/photoelectrochemical chemistry, and so on, will be considered. The candidate will benefit from the expertise of Wang group in Nanotechnologies, as well as the interdisciplinary environment at Rice University. Full consideration will be given to applications until the positions are filled. Applicants should email: (1) cover letter, (2) complete curriculum vitae, (3) statement of past research achievements, (4) statement of future research interests, and (5) contacts of three references to hwang@rowland.harvard.edu.

Wang group website:
Rice University: http://wang.rice.edu
Harvard University: http://www.rowland.harvard.edu/rjf/hwang/

Rice University is an Equal Opportunity and Affirmative Action Employer.
Women and minorities are especially encouraged to apply.

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